
Unit 6 Shopping PA Let's talk 优质课件+教案+练习+动画素材

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:93次 大小:49821814Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 人教PEP 四年级下册 Unit 6 Shopping PA Let's talk Let's watch sweater dress shoes shirt gloves umbrella coat clothes 快速读出出现的单词,看到炸弹要说“bomb嘭”。 scarf sunglasses Game time pants socks skirt shorts hat Practice 两人一组 Role play Can I help you The _____ is/are nice. Can I try _____ on Sure. Practice John's shoes are too old. Mum, I need a pair of new shoes. Ok! Let's go to the shoes shop today. shoes shop Lead in Try to find out: 1. The shoes of size 6 are _____. A. too small B. just right 2. The shoes of size 7 are _____ A. too small B. just right At the shoes shop. Presentation Can I help you Yes. These shoes are nice. Can I try them on Size 6, please. Presentation 尺码 size Of course. Here you are. 当然 No. They're too small. Presentation John, are they OK Hmm. OK. Let's try size 7. 太,过于 = let us Good! Presentation They're just right! just right 恰好, 正好 Can I help you 这是口语中一句极为常用的句子(也说 What can I do for you? 或 May I help you? 等)广泛用于商店、饭店、旅馆、邮局、办事处等场所,作为对顾客的招呼语。 例如:A:Can I help you? 你要买点什 B:Thank you. I want some bananas,please. 谢谢,我买点香蕉 Language point Can I try them on 这是一句常见商场用语. try on “试穿.试戴 注意:当try on后面是名词时.名词可以放中间.也可以放在后面.但若接代词时.代词只能放在他们中间。另外:中间代词如果指代复数名词, 如本文shoes, 则用复述these/them, 如果是单数名词, 则用this/it等。 例如:请试穿一下这件上衣. -Please try on the coat. - Please try the coat on. I like the dress. Can I try it on Language point 1. The shoes of size 6 are _____. A. too small B. just right 2. The shoes of size 7 are _____ A. too small B. just right Answer the questions Can I help you Yes. These shoes are nice. Can I try them on Size 6, please. Of course. Here you are. John, are they OK No. They're too small. Hmm. OK. Let's try size 7. They're just right! Good! Listen and follow Can I ____ you Yes. These _____ are nice. Can I try ____ on ____6, please. _____. Here you are. John, _____ OK No. They're _____. Hmm. OK. Let's try _____. They're _____! Good! Listen and fill help shoes them Size Of course are they too small size 7 just right Presentation show time 1. 三人小组合作朗读对话。 2. 注意语音、语调正确。 3. 能够表演,运用恰当的动作。 Practice Can I help you It's _____. Yes. Can I try ___ on Ok. Here you are. this just right 单数 Let's play Practice Can I help you Oh, they are too big. Yes. Can I try these on Ok. Here you are. 快速问答! 复数 复数 Practice Role play 1. 两人一组角色扮演店员和顾客。 2. 展示对话, 注意语音语调。 A:Can I help you B:Yes. Can I try ...on A:Yes. Here you are. B:It's/They're just right. A:Can I help you B:Yes. Can I try ...on A:Yes. Here you are. B:Oh, it's/they're too big/short /long... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Lucky numbers! 一人拿花,音乐响起传花, 音乐停止,花在谁手中谁就站起来 选择一个数字。根据数字里面的信息 扮演顾客去店里购买该物品。前面的 同学扮演店员,完成对 ... ...

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