
Unit 5 Let’s have fun 第4课时教案

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:78次 大小:13559Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 5 第一单元 Period 4 第四课时 Class 授课班级 Class2 Grade4 四(2)班 Teacher 执教教师 Setting 授课地点 Date 授课日期 年 月 Teaching Contents (教学内容) New Magic 4A Unit 5, Period 4 Prior Knowledge ( 已有知识) Students have some English reading skills and know how to read by themselves. Students know how to work in pairs and groups. Students know how to use “like doing” to talk about their hobbies and the activities they like. Students know how to use “be good at” and “be weak in” to talk about their strong point and their weak point. Students know how to use the adverbs of frequency to talk about what they “always”, “usually”, “often”, “sometimes” or “never” do. Teaching Aims (教学目标) 单元目标 本课时的目标 Aims for language Help students to guess the riddles according to the descriptions. Help students to make their own riddles. Help students to write their hobby rap. Help students to talk about their weekend activities, do a survey, write down the report and do the presentation. Aims for ability maintain 1)To train the students’ ability of speaking and writing skill. 2)To develop students’ ability of thinking and creation. 3)To improve students’ ability of self-demonstration. 4)To foster students’ ability of discussions and group cooperation. Aims for emotion cultivate 1) Encourage students to build a good relationship between language learning and English reading. 2) Encourage students to build confidence and cultivate awareness of cooperation. 3) Arouse the children’s interests in speaking English. ( 重难点 ) To help the students to use their imagination to make their own riddles: like This is an outdoor activities. You need to wear your helmet. You need to wear a kind of special heavy shoes. Do you like moving fast like the wind? This is a good activity for you. This activity is _____. ect. To help students to use their creations to write their hobby rap: Hobby Rap I like hiking. I’m good at walking. I like surfing the Internet, When the weather is wet. To help students to work in group and do a survey about their weekend activities. To help students to write about the survey and do the presentation. Like: Our Weekend Activities I talked to Andy and Peter. Let me tell you about them. Andy like shopping and singing karaoke at the weekend. He always goes hopping. He sometimes sings karaoke. He does not like reading comics. He never reads comics. Teaching Aids ( 教学辅助) Real objects, sentences cards, picture cards, PPT file and so on Procedures ( 教学过程 ) Teacher’s 教师活动 Students’ 学生活动 Purpose 教学目的 Prelude ( 热身 ) 1. Play a song. Sing the song. 全班齐唱英文歌。 Review ( 复习 ) 1. Present the pictures of indoor and outdoor activities, get students to talk about them. 2. Encourage students to talk about their strong point and week point. 3.Encourage the students to use the adverbs of frequency to talk about weekly activities. 1.Students talk about activities 2. Students talk about their strong p ... ...

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