
Unit 6 An Animal Story 全英表格式教案 第1课时

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:89次 大小:17426Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Total No. Week: Date: Designer: Topic Unit6 An Animal Story(Look and say) Period 1 Objectives Words: a monkey/a horse/a tree/a lion/a man Structures: What can you see? I can see… Ss can use the new words: a monkey/a horse/a tree/a lion/a man; Ss can look at the picture and describe it with the structures. Activities Read and imitate the story. Telescope Game: “Look, Look, what can you see?” Pair work to describe what animals can you see in the pictures. Aids Cards, books, computer Procedure Content Methods Purpose Warming up 1. Sing the song——— “What can you see?” 1. Play the song: what can you see? Students sing it together. Lead in the structure: what can you see? and warm up. Teaching Pre-task Look at the picture and describe the picture. Learn the words: a man, a lion, a horse, a tree, a monkey Teacher shows the picture and asks the students: What can you see? Students answer: I can see Coco. Didi, Witchy, Monmon, Miss Tickle, a desk, a chair, book… T: what can you see in the cover? Ss: I can see a monkey. I can see a lion. I can see a man. I can see a tree. Learn the words: Teacher shows the new words on the black board and students learn the words; follow the tape 2 times. Learn the words with gestures. The students follow the teacher flash cards to review the animals. Practice the students’ ability to describe the picture and practice the sentence structure: what can you see? I can see… Consolidate the new words we have learned. While-task Play a game: “Look! Look! What can you see?” Ss learn the passages. I can see a man. I can see a lion. It is yellow. I can see two horses. They are running. I can see three monkeys in a tree. 3 Retell the story while looking at the pictures. “Look! Look! What can you see?” T: I have a telescope, let’s play the game! S: OK! T: show the parts of the picture on the ppt. Ss practice “What can you see? I can see…” to lead in the passage. Pic.1: I can see a tree. Pic.2: I can see a man. Pic.3: I can see a lion. It is yellow. Pic.4: I can see two horses. They are running. Pic.5: I can see three monkeys. They are in a tree. Ss read the story in different ways. To imitate the record and remember the new words. To check whether Ss have mastered the words or not. To put the words in a passage and practice the passage. To review the passage and check how much Ss have learned. Post-task 4. Pair work Work in pairs. Each pair will have a picture of different animals. Work with your partner: What can you see? I can see… Students’ opportunity to show what they have learned. 5. Presentation T: Time is up. Who can try? Ss present their pair works. T: Nice work! Writing on the board What can you see? I can see…. a man a monkey a tree a horse a lion Home work Retell the story to your parents. Teaching reflection

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