

日期:2024-09-20 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:27次 大小:10316Byte 来源:二一课件通
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六年级上册英语复习资料 M1 Country life 词汇 农村country 田 field 摘 pick 草 grass 给 give 奶牛;母牛 cow 绵羊 sheep 其他的 other 极少 few 江;河 river 祖父母 grandparent 挤奶 milk 骑 ride 花费 take 仍然 still 空气 air 短语 几个 a few +可数名词 帮助…做 help…With… 喂动物 feed the animals 摘一些苹果 pick some apples 种花 grow flowers 植树 plant trees 骑自行车 ride bike 许多 plenty of 句型 you can (动词原形)if you want. There isare +名词 … because … M2 City life (一)词汇 城市 city 学生 student 安静的 quiet 便宜的 cheap 现代化的 modern 嘈杂的 noisy 宽阔的 wide 拥挤的 crowded 9.舒服的 comfortable 10.拥挤的,大量的 heavy 11.慢,缓慢 slow 12.明信片 postcard 13.脏的 dirty 14.害怕 afraid 15.因为 because 16.出售 sell 17.农村 countryside 18.剧院 theatre (二)短语 1. 不同于… be different to 2. 害怕 be afraid 3. 整天 all day (三)句型 1. Where are you from? I’m from…… 2. What’s New York like? It is …… It’s very different to our home on the farm I am afraid to go outside. There is much more to do in the city than in the country. I can’t wait to get back home. M3 Health 词汇 健康 healthy 事情 matter 病的 ill 胃疼 stomachache 牙疼 toothache 头疼 headache 发烧 fever 听到 hear 药 medicine 刷 brush 两次 twice 断了的 broken 手指 finger 休息 rest 秘密 secret 简单的 simple 最少 least 较少的 less 最后的 finally 节食 diet 多油的 oily 微笑 smile 甚至 even 短语 检查 check-up 服药 take medicine 休息 take a rest 感冒 have a cold 一天三次 three times a day 持续一周 for one week 至少 at least 节食 on a diet 句型 What’s the matter? What’s the matter with you? I feel illbad. I feel better. I’m sorry to hear that. He gave me a check-up. I think you’ll be well soon. Keep a good diet Eat more vegetables and less meat. To be happy. M4 Past experiences 词汇 昨天 yesterday 生气的 angry 可怜的 poor 最近的,上一个 last 年 year 日记 diary 后来 later 直到 until 更好 better 惊讶的 surprised 短语 一点都不 no/not at all 一点 a little 去购物 go shopping 待家里 stay at home 看电影 see a film 上周末 last weekend 去旅游 go on a trip 谈论关于 talk about 照相 take a photo 句型 What did you do? Where did you go? It was no fun at all. M5 Changes 词汇 有礼貌的 polite 肥胖的 fat 哭 cry …之前 ago 村子 village 附近 nearby 办公室 office 商店 store 短语 当时 back then 上网 surf the Internet 遥远 far away 百货公司department store 在图上 in the picture 留短发 keep it short 常笑 smile a lot 大多数人 most of the people 三年前 three years ago 句型 Who is that in the picture? When you were five years old. When I was …… Was I a good girl back then? Yes, you were./ No, you weren’t But now I am still very good. M6 Festival 词汇 春节 Spring Festival 礼物 gift 希望;祝愿 wish 饺子 jiaozi 中秋节 Mid-autumn Festival 月亮 moon 月饼 mooncake 端午节 Dragon Boat Festival 龙 dragon 粽子 zongzi 比赛 race 重阳节 Chongyang Festival 圣诞节 Christmas 分享 share 奇妙 wonderful 匆忙 hurry 带来 bring 火腿 ham 火鸡 turkey 短语 压岁钱 lucky money 竖起 put up 打扫房子 clean the house 买新衣服 buy new clot ... ...

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