
外研版选修8 2019年同步练习卷:module 5 the conquest of the universe 课后练习

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:78次 大小:12064Byte 来源:二一课件通
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外研版选修8《Module 5 The Conquest of the Universe 课后练习》2019年同步练习卷 一、选择题 1.I'm not accustomed _____, Dr. Audlin.(  ) A.to having my word doubted B.to having my word doubt C.have my word doubted D.to have my word doubted 2.She is accustomed _____ to bed and getting up early.(  ) A.to go B.go C.to going D.going 3.You will _____ it if you try.(  ) A.make B.meet C.set D.take 4.You needn't worry; he will _____ it.(  ) A.meet B.make C.set D.take 5.The general teaching and administrative staff, the student participated in the donation _____.(  ) A.enthusiastically B.coldly C.absently D.sadly 6.You can knock the door of communication when you treat other people with complaisant and _____ attitude.(  ) A.absent B.cold C.enthusiastic D.sad 7.The police are trying to find people who _____ the car accident.(  ) A.introduced B.accumulated C.arisen D.witnessed 8.After years of hard working, they've _____ a lot of experience about this experiment.(  ) A.introduced B.accumulated C.arisen D.witnessed 9._____ the proposal is accepted, where are we going to get the money?(  ) A.Assume B.Assuming that C.Assuming what D.Presuming 10.Be careful not to simply _____ they are caused by climate change.(  ) A.assume B.assuming that C.assuming what D.presuming 11._____ her good salary, she measured out every dollar needed for household expenses.(  ) A.Despite of B.Despite of the fact C.In spite of the fact D.In spite of 12.Kelly loved her husband _____ that he drank too much.(  ) A.despite B.despite of the fact C.in spite of the fact D.in spite of 13.If it is the case, I cannot do anything _____ than say sorry to you!(  ) A.more B.any C.better D.other 14._____ than two students have been concerned in this affair.(  ) A.More B.Any C.Better D.Other 15.She acknowledged _____ something wrong.(  ) A.having done B.done C.do D.did 16.The opponents acknowledged _____ they were defeated.(  ) A.to that B.what C.whether D.that 二、完成句子: 17.(1)    (你习惯) using chopsticks? (2)I was brought up in Paris so it took a long time to   (习惯) living in London. (3)I cannot   (使自己适应) cold weather. 18.(1)They    (习惯)living a quiet life in the country. (2)Even though I have   (习惯) hearing people say things about me that aren't true, it still hurts. (3)He had to   (使自己适应) the cold weather of his new country. 19.他一直对运动很热衷. He has always    sports. 20.孩子们是很热衷于拆礼物的. The children    opening their presents. 21.(1)他承认偷了那笔钱. He    that money. (2)你至少可以说声你听见了. You could at least    you heard me. (3)多数人会承认她是本世纪最杰出的哲学家之一.. Most people would    one of the greatest philosophers of this century. 22.(1)一些人开始认识到,单靠市场力量并不能解决社会问题. Some are beginning to  ... ...

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