
Unit12 I go to school by bus Period3 同步精练(答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:36次 大小:1173370Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit12 I go to school by bus Period3 同步练习 一.读一读,写一写。 看图完成句子。 示例:I go to Guangzhou by plane. I go to school by _____. I go to Qingdao by _____. I go to Nanchang _____ _____. I go to _____ by _____. I _____. 三、选择恰当的单词补全小诗。 nose cold old Cold, _____, It’s a _____ day. Old, _____, We see an _____ play. The clown(小丑)has a long _____. 四、正确书写下面的句子,注意大小写和标点符号。 1. dino point to a taxi 2. i go to Beijing by plane 3. don’t play on the road 4 do you know them 参考答案 一、略 二、1.bus/bike 2.train/ plane/… 3.bus/train/… 4.I go to Sanya by plane. I go home by taxi. 三、cold, cold, old, old, nose 四、1.Dino, point to a taxi. 2.I go to Beijing by plane. 3.Don’t play on the road. 4.Do you know them?

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