
starters 预备篇(2012秋审查) Unit 3 What color is it?2课时课件+音频(32+30张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:86次 大小:6467035Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件32张PPT。Starter Unit 3 What color is it? What colors do you know? What colors do you like? Why do you like it?Free talk To learn new words: color, red ,yellow ,green, blue, black, white, purple .... To learn to identify things.ObjectivesGuessing colors (猜颜色):Warming-upredyellowgreenblueblackwhitepinkbrownpurpleorange调色板 Guess: What color is it ? +++pink purplegreyredwhiteredblueblackwhiteredyellowpinkgreenpurpleorangebluewhitebrownWhat color is it?red _____ yellow _____ green _____ blue _____ black _____ white _____ purple _____ brown _____Look at the picture. Write the letter for each color. 1aVSYWZUXTCan you say what colors they are? blueredyellowgreenblackListen and repeat. 1bLanguage pointsWhat’s this? (这是什么?) What’s that? (那是什么?) 以上用来提问物体。如果提问人,要用Who。 如:Who’s that? 那是谁?What color is…? 用来询问颜色,意思是“某物是什么颜色的?”通常用“It’s + 颜色”来回答。(It’s 可以省略) — What color is this ruler? — It’s blue. (或Blue.) color是美式英语的拼写,英式英语常拼写为colour。 ①n. 颜色 ②v. 涂色Language points运用1.— What’ s this?—_____ pencil. It’ s B. It’ s a C. it’s 2. — _____is the pen?—It’ s blue. A. What B. How C. What color 3.— What color is the quilt? —_____. A. Red B. Fine C. PleaseBCAIt’s red.Practice the conversations in the picture with your partner. Then make your own conversations.What color is it?1cListen and repeat.S s T t U u V v W w X x Y y Z z 2a/es/ /?ti: / /?ju: / /?vi: //’d?blju:/ /eks/ / wai / /zi:/ Listen and number the letters you hear [1-8].2b t z v x w y u s28465731Look and copy. 2cSU YTXZVWrite the missing big letter or small letter for each pair. 2dWtzvwsuyxTalk about what these letters mean.2eUFOCCTVDo you know what these letters mean?S=small 小号 M=medium 中号 L=large大号UFO=unidentified flying object (不明飞行物)CCTV= China Central TelevisionSARSNATO严重急性呼吸道综合症(非典) 北大西洋公约组织(简称北约 )Do you know what these letters mean?WTOFBI世界贸易组织 美国联邦调查局 Do you know what these letters mean?Ⅰ. 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。 1.What _____ (颜色) is the map? 2.The quilt is _____ (黄色). 3.The grass is _____ (绿色). 4.My pen is _____ (红色). 5.The jacket is _____ (黑色).blackcoloryellowgreenredExercises1. — What color is it? — It’s ____ red. It’s ___ red car. A. /, / B. a, a C. a, the D. /, a 2. My jacket is ____ . It is _____ jacket. A. an orange, an orange B. an orange, orange C. orange, an orange D. orange, orangeDCII. 单选。1. 日依山尽, 河入海流。 2.日出江花 胜火,春来江水 如 。 3.等闲识得东风面,万 千 总是春。 4.满面尘 烟火色,两鬓苍苍十指 。 white redredyellowgreenblueblackpurplegreyⅢ . 诗境话色。 Ⅳ. 补全对话, 请根据上下文将对话补完整。A: Good _____! B: Good evening! A: _____ are you? B: I’m _____, _____. And you? A: I’m OK. A: Excuse me._____ this in English? B: _____ _____ eraser(橡皮檫). eveningHow finethanksWhat’sIt’s anA: _____ _____, please? B: E-R-A-S-E-R. A: _____ _____ is it? B: _____ white. ____ ... ...

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