
人教版(PEP)四年级下Recycle 2 课件(共20张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:13次 大小:12018995Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件20张PPT。Recyle2 Picnic Read aloud tomorrow明天 ?HarbinHong KongLhasaBeijingKunmingwarm (24℃)Taizhouhot (30℃)cold (2℃)warm (20℃)cool (15℃)A:What’s the weather like in___tomorrow?warm (20℃)B:It will be将会 _____.Picnic? Tomorrow will be将会 warm and sunny. Let’s have a picnic.Yeah!总价?Can I help you??Yes,,please. ,please.How much is that?That’s ___ yuan in total.Group work(三人一组)1423These are…Those are…sheepWhose jacket is it?It’s Amy’s.It’s Sarah’s.Whose tomatoes are those?They’re Amy’s. They’re Sarah’s.They’re Zhangpeng’s.They look hungry. Quick(快拿走).scene1scene3scene2scene4Choose one scene(选择任何一个场景进行对话表演)Choose two scenes(选择任何两个场景进行对话表演)Choose three scenes(选择任何三个场景进行对话表演)Choose four scenes(选择全部场景进行对话表演)Group work (3/4人一组)Make a picnic plan Thank you!

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