

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:48次 大小:2363392Byte 来源:二一课件通
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六年级英语综合练习 班级: 姓名: 学号: 得分: 1 一、单项选择(共14小题,计 14 分。) ( ) 1.The lion and the mouse is from_____. A. Chinese idiom books B. Aesop’s Fables C. Japanese cartoons D. Grimms fairytales ( ) 2. It is often_____ in the UK, so people always_____ an umbrella. A. rains; carries B. raining; carried C. rainy; carry D. rained, carry ( )3. _____ at home yesterday? A. Did you B. Are you C. Were you D. Will you ( ) 4. 朗读下列句子,重音标注最正确的是_____。 A. 'Stop! There’s a red 'man. We mustn’t 'walk now. B. 'Stop!'There’s a red man. We mustn’t walk 'now. C. 'Stop! There’s a 'red man. We 'mustn’t walk now. D. Stop! There’s a red 'man. We 'mustn’t walk now. ( ) 5. --_____ will your father stay in Xi’an? --For about a week. A. When B. How C. What D. How long ( ) 6. The people in _____ invented the aeroplane. A. Canada B. China C. the US D. the UK ( ) 7. Billy wants to find out _____. A. cook B. cooks C. to cook D. cooking ( ) 8. I have a healthy diet. I have _____for dinner. A. a lot of rice; much meat B. some cakes; a lot of ice cream B. a little rice; some fish and vegetables. D. some cola and a hamburger ( ) 9. _____our dreams come true, we’ll study hard. A. To make B. Making C. Makes D. Made ( )10. The doctor saw four short horses running fast. Which pronunciation(发音)is different(不同)? _____ A. doctor B. four C. short D. horses ( ) 11. At night, there are only _____ cars and bikes in the street. A. many B. a little C. a few D. much ( ) 12. Miss Wang is visiting Buckingham Palace. So she’s in _____ now. A. the UK B. the US C. China D. Canada ( ) 13. David wants to buy something to eat. He’s not going to _____. A. a shoe shop B. a restaurant C. a supermarket D. a snack bar ( )14. -- I want to eat meat with potatoes. What should I do? -- Let me tell you. First, ____. Next, ____ . Then, ____. Finally, ____. ① cook them for 45 minutes ② wash them ③ cut them up ④ buy some meat and potatoes A. ①②④③ B. ④②③① C. ②④③① D. ④①③② 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。(共8小题,计 8 分。) 1. He brings some water _____ (quick) and pours it into the hole. 2. Can I have _____ (some) tea? Sure, here you are. 3. Sue _____ (go) for a walk in the park last Sunday morning. 4. The children _____ (fly) kites in the park tomorrow afternoon. 5.The film usually _____(begin) at eight in the evening. 6.I want_____(buy) some snacks to the party. 7.I will go to _____(cook) school. 8. I am good at_____(paint). 三、从Ⅱ栏中选出与Ⅰ栏句子相应的答语(共10小题,计20分。) Ⅰ Ⅱ ( )1. Where are you going? A. She’s a doctor. ( )2. What’s your dream ? B. Let me see. Some fish. ( )3. How many cars are there? C. We are going to Nanjing. ( )4. Will you go to Chengdu or Hangzhou? D. No. I like bananas. ( )5. Do you like oranges? E. I’ll go to Hangzhou. ( )6. How is your mother? F. No, I won’t. ( )7. Would you like to travel with me? G. Not bad. ( )8. What will you cook? H. Yes, I’d love to. ( )9. Will you go to the library tomorrow? I ... ...

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