
外研版(一年级起点)小学英语四年级下册期末检测(含听力书面材料 无答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:85次 大小:692224Byte 来源:二一课件通
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四年级英语期末复习卷(一) (新标准英语小学一起四年级下册 ) Class Name Score Listening 听力部分(50%) ⅠListen and choose.(听音,选出所听到的单词。将序号在答题卡涂黑8%) ( )1.A beautiful B. bicycle C. between ( )2.A. toy B. teacher C. touch ( )3.A. cheap B. cheese C. chair ( )4.A. special B. surprise C. sometimes ( )5.A. when B. wolf C. want ( )6.A. machine B. message C. mountain ( )7.A. restaurant B. rest C. race ( )8.A. home B. hospital C. hundred ⅡListen and choose.(听音,选图。将序号在答题卡上涂黑。8%) ( )1.A. B. ( )2. A. B . ( )3. A. B. ( )4. A. B. ( )5. A. B. ( )6. A. B. ( )7. A. B. ( )8. A. B. Ⅲ Listen and choose.(听音,选出所听到的句子。将序号在答题卡上涂黑。6%) ( )1.A. Don’t walk on the grass. B. Don’t feed the fish. ( )2. A. It’s lunch time. B. It’s dinner time. ( )3. A. There’re some beautiful dresses. B. There’re some computers. ( )4. A. She was nervous. B. She was proud. ( )5. A It’s in the east. B. It’s in the south. ( )6. A. He’s good at English. B. He’s good at Chinese. Ⅳ Listen and write. (听音,写单词。将单词写在答题卡上。12%) 1. There are lots of . 2. That’s a idea. 3. to our factory. 4. Can you ? 5. This is a of China. 6. He learnt a . 7. We’ll at eight. 8. His mother went to London last . ⅤListen and choose the answer.(听问句,选答句。将序号在答题卡上涂黑。10%) ( )1. A Yes, he did. B. Yes, he does. ( )2.A.It’s in the north. B. It’s in the south. ( )3.A. OK. B. Sorry. ( )4.A. We go to the US. B. We’ll go to the US. ( )5.A. No, it isn’t. B. No, he isn’t. ( )6.A. Thank you. B. I’m sorry. ( )7.A. She wrote a report. B. She’s writing a report. ( )8.A. He played football at 7. B. He got up at 7. ( )9.A. Yes, there is. B. Yes, there were. ( )10.A. Because they are cute. B. I like pandas. Ⅵ Listen and write. (听音,完成短文。将单词写在答题卡上。6%) writing working work home violin room Sam and Amy are at . They are making a cake. Their father is letter. Their mother is . They are making big noise. Mother says, “Stop and go to your .” Now Sam and Amy are in their room. Sam is playing his . Amy is playing her flute. The noise is bigger. Their parents can’t , they have to say, “ Go and make your cake instead. “ 笔试部分 Writing(50%) ⅠChoose and write.(读句子,根据首字母完成单词,并选出中文。9%) ( )1. Today is M ’s Day. ( )2. He l after sheep last Sunday. ( )3. Kangaroos jump on their b legs. ( )4. They can s Chinese. ( )5. The TV c 4500 yuan. ( )6. Her mother is p of her. A.花费 B.母亲 C.照看 D.骄傲的 E.说 F.后面的 Ⅱ Read and choose.(读中文,选短语。将序号在答题卡涂黑。6%) ( )1.休息一下 A. have a rest B. have a walk ( )2.在东方 A. in the east B. in the west ( )3.今年夏天 A. this summer B. this spring ( )4.拉二胡 A. play the violin B. play the erhu ( )5.喝果汁 A. drink milk B. drink juice ( )6.跑上山 A. run up the hill B. run down the hill Ⅲ Read and choose.(选出不同类的词,将序号在答题卡上涂黑。9%) ( )1.A.stop B. ran C. play ( )2.A. the UK B. Chinese C. English ( )3.A. fruit B. wolf C. lion ( )4.A. ... ...

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