

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:84次 大小:34658Byte 来源:二一课件通
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I Like Sports I like sports,because doing sports is really a good thing. Firstly,it helps me keep healthy. Exercise is one of the most active and effective means to enhance the physical health. Secondly,doing sports is a good way to relax. When you are upset,sport may pull you out from depression. Finally,it s easier to make friends while take part in sport activities,because you have the same interest. It's important for making friends. All in all,I get a lot from sports. 我喜欢运动 我喜欢体育运动,因为参加体育运动是一件很好的事情。首先,它能帮助我保持健康。 体育锻炼是增强体质的最积极、有效的手段之一。其次,锻炼是一种很好的发送方式。 当你烦恼的时候,运动能把你从失落里拯救出来。最后,在体育运动中更容易交到朋友,因为你们有共同的兴趣爱好,这对交友来说是很重要的。 总的来说,通过体育运动,我得到了许多。 I Am Fond of Reading I have many hobbies,but reading is my favourite. When I find an interesting book,I can sit and read it for several hours. Books show me a new world. l can learn a lot from books. l always think that reading a good book is like talking with a wise friend. Thanks to books,my life becomes rich and colorful. 我爱阅读 我有很多爱好,不过我最喜欢的是阅读。 当我发现一本好书时,我会坐在那里一读几个小时。书籍给我展示了一个新的世界。通过读书我学到许多东西。我总是想,读一本好书就像与一位智者聊天。多亏有了书,我的生活才变得丰富多彩。 My Hobbies I am a boy. I am eleven years old. l like collecting stamps and playing football very much. I have collected more than 1,000 stamps and really learned a lot from them,especially about Chinese history and western culture. l play football on Thursday afternoon. If there is a football match on TV,I always watch it. Playing football and watching games bring me a lot of fun. 我的爱好 我是一个11岁的男孩。 我非常喜欢收集邮票和踢足球。我已经收集了1,000多枚邮票,并且从中学到了很多,特别是关于中国历史和西方文化方面。我在星期四下午踢足球。如果电视中有足球比赛,我总是要观看。踢足球和观看足球比赛给我带来了巨大的快乐。 Activities after Class I am a primary school student. In school,I have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. Usually,the classes are over at about half past four. So I have much time to have fun. We students have many activities after class. For example,I like playing badminton and table tennis. Some of my classmates like playing basketball and football. There is a gym in my school. it’s a popular place,too. My school encourages students to do exercise after class. So my school provides us many places and equipment. l like taking part in various activities after class. It makes me happy. 课后活动 我是一名小学生。每天我早上我有四节课下午有两节,下午四点半下课,所以我有很多时间去玩。在学校里,我们也有很多课后活动。 我喜欢打羽毛球和乒乓球,我的同学喜欢打篮球和踢足球。 我们学校还有一个游泳池,很多人喜欢去那里游泳。学校鼓励学生多参加课后活动,所以在学校里有很多锻炼的场地和器材。 我喜欢参加课后活动,从中我能得到很多快乐。 Running I like many kinds of sports,such as swimmin ... ...

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