
Unit 1 Wise men in history Period 4 More practice and culture corner 课件+教案+同步练习

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:72次 大小:28865485Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    牛津深圳版 九上 Module 1 Unit 1 Period 4习题 一、根据句意及首字母提示完成句子 1. She lost son in the c_____. She was looking for him everywhere. The b_____ man lost his left eye in the war. 3.A whale(鲸) is a h_____ animal. 4. Do you often make m_____ in grammar? 5. Our hospital needs two men doctors, Mrs. Li. You can ask your son to have a t_____. 二、单项选择 ( )1.There's little important news in the newspaper today, _____? A. isn't there B. is there C. is it D. isn’t it ( )2. Pudong International Airport is one of _____airports in the world. A. big B. biggest C. the biggest D. bigger ( )3. ———Don’t_____ my head. That will make me hurt. ——— I’m really sorry for that. I will never do that. A. touch B.hit C. reach D. feel ( )4.——— Why does your sister_____ a queen today? ——— Because she will perform a play today. A. work as B. act as C. dress as D. study as ( )5.———You will come to my party, won’t you? ———_____ I will arrive before 6:00 p.m. A.Yes, I won’t. B. Yes, I will. C. No, I don’t. D. Yes, I do. 三、用所给词的适当形式填空 1. It is _____ (certainly) that our learn will win the prize in the English competition. 2. The bottle is _____(fill) with water. 3. At last, the teacher _____(find) out who sent her the card. 4. She was _____(complete) wrong because she said the Earth goes round the Moon. 5. It _____(seem) that they know what they’re doing. 四、完形填空 Maths is one of the most boring classes for many students. But recently, at the University of California in the US, a __1__ class got 400 students interested. There were even another 35 __2__ from behind windows. __3__ could make a boring subject so interesting? Terence Tao, the 31-year-old university teacher, is known as "the Mozart of Maths". Tao, born in Hong Kong, spent his childhood in Australia. He showed his great __4__ in Maths when he was very young. At the age of two, he could read. At nine. he went to college Maths classes. At twenty, he got his doctor's degree. Last summer, Tao __5__ a Fields Medal which is known as the “Noble Prize of Maths”. __6__ he was talented, Terence Tao didn't go to college until he was fourteen. "In my opinion, it's not __7__ to go to college too young, " said Tao. He added, “ __8__, studying is like building a large tower. It must have a strong base. Then it can be built higher.” People don't think Tao is __9__ the rest of us. He wears a T-shirt and an old pair of sports shoes. He reads Japanese comic books, __10__. But he loves Maths. “In many ways, my work is my hobby,” he said. ( )1. A. Maths B. music C. Japanese D. English ( )2. A. passing B. watching C. shouting D. looking ( )3. A. What B. Which C. Who D. Where ( )4. A. talent B. important C. need D. importance ( )5. A. mad B. won C. found D. saw ( )6. A. If B. Although C. So D.Because ( )7. A. necessary B. convenient C. difficult D. easy ( )8. A. So far B. At times C. In fact D. Sometimes ( )9. A. the same as B. different from C. similar to D. as big as ( )10. A. ... ...

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