

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:46次 大小:1207808Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 8BU1--U4易错题汇总 词汇题 1. The dirty clothes made the actress (女演员)even (丑的). 2. My sister works as a (图书管理员)in a school near my home. 3. His house is just (在......对面)mine,so we are in the same neighbourhood. 4. We all trust our manager and have (信心)in him. 5. (Canada)families have a lot of free time so they often go travelling . 6. Do you know exactly hoe many (stomach )a camel has 7. He stood there and (举起)his arms above his head. 8. Do you know the history of (German)in World War II 9. Mo Yan is one of the greatest (write)in the 21st in China . 10. Nobody knows the secret (除了)Peter and me. 11. Do you notice there’s a dustbin in the (南部的)part of the square 12. The sea is very beautiful , (尤其)when the sky is blue and the sun shines. Answers:1.uglier 2.librarian 3.opposite 4.confidence 5. Canadian 6.stomachs 7.lifted 8.Germany 9.writers 10.except 11.southern 12.especially 单项选择题 知识一:是否加宾语及是否加介词 1,Do you find these subjects are difficult A.to learn them B.learning them C.to learn D.learning 2.There are so many kinds of cards .I really don’t know . A,which to choose B.choose which C.which to choose from D.choose from which 3.Which country are you going ,Jessis A.to move B.to move to C.moving to D.to moving to 4.Daniel does not know who this history book. A.to talk about B.talk to about C.to talk to about D.talk about to 5.The box is too heavy for me . A.to carry B.to carry it C.carry D.carry it 6.The basket is comfortable for a cat . A.to sleep B.to sleep in C.sleeps D.sleeps in 知识点:too...to/enough...to 句式中,原来从句中宾语与主语相同时,变为简单句时,从句中的宾语要去掉Answers:1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.B 知识点二:反义疑问句 1.Our Maths teacher’s seldom late for class, A.doesn’t B.isn’t he C.does he D.is he 2.--She’s never been to Hainan , -- .She went there last week for the first time . A.has she ;Yes B.hasn’t she ;Yes C.has she ;No D.hasn’t she ;No 3.The little girl’s never late for school , A.is she B.isn’t she C.has she D.hasn’t she 4.--He’s already back to England , -- .He is on a visit to Shanghai . A.isn’t he ;No B.hasn’t he ;Yes C.isn’t he ;Yes D,hasn’t he ;No 5,--Your father’s come back from Shenzhen , --Not yet .He’ll come back next week. A.is he B.has he C,isn’t he D,hasn’t he Answers:1.D 2.A 3.A 4.A 5.D 知识点三:到底用what 还是why 1,-- did so many people go to work by bus at that time for --They did so to get there more easily . A.Why B.How C.What D.When Answer:C 知识点四:主谓一致 是单还是复 1.We all know 365 days (make) one year. 2.The old book there some strange pictures in it.Nobody can understand them. A.are B.is C.has D.have Answers:1.makes 2.D 知识点五:cost,spend ,pay,take 的区别 1.Going to the city centre by understand less time than driving a car. A.spends B.has C.costs D.takes 2.Those new types of energy very little and produce little pollution. A.pay B.spend C.take D.cost 3.Mrs Lee is a moonlite(月光族)。She all her money in ... ...

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