
新概念英语青少版1B:Unit 17 Smile,please! 第一课时 教案(表格式)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:55次 大小:15328Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Teaching explanation Teaching Contents Unit17 Smile,please!(Junior New Concept English 1B) Teaching Time Sep. 23rd Students 新概念1B Teaching Aids ppt Teaching Objectives Teaching objectives : Ss could know how to describe their motor skill,such as balance on the ball, take a photo, swim... Ability objectives: Ss could understand the conversations about describing one’s ability. Emotional objectives: Ss will have a better understanding of each other. Teaching Key Points Key words and structures Teaching Difficult points The usage of modal verb can. Teaching Approach Inducing-mode teaching Teaching procedures Step 1 Warm-up(10mins) Greeting: Good evening, class! Nice to meet you! Do you like sports? What kind of sports do you like? Do you like to play basketball/play football/swim/ski/do gymnastics/box/sing songs/dance/cook? S1:Yes, I do. S2:No, I don’t. I like to... . (Justification:This step will warm up the class and develop a free atmosphere.) Step 2 Pre-listening(5mins) Step 1:T show some pictures about the dialogue. And let Ss guess the story. T: Look, what can you see in the picture? How many girls? How many boys? How many balls? S1:I can see some students/children/kids/three girls and three balls. T: What are they doing? S2: They are doing gymnastics.( They can answer it in Chinese.) ... (Justification:This step will lead in the key words.) Step 3 While-listening(10mins) T Show some questions. Think about these questions while listening. Listen to the record twice or three times. a. Who can take a photo of Lucy and Flora? b. Can Flora balance on the ball? Listen again and fill the blanks. What is Flora/Lucy/Vikki good at/useless at? (Justification:This step will both improve the students’ listening and speaking abilities.) Step 4 Post-listening (20mins) New words and expressions. Step 5 Intensive reading and Grammar (30mins) T Read the dialogue again and ask the Ss to underline the difficult words and phrase. In order to practise their ability to think, the teacher will encourage them to analyse the text by themselves first and then give them explanation. (Justification:This step will improve the students’ reading ability.) (2) Grammar T: Do you know what the modal verb is? Let me explain it to you. 情态动词can用法:①表示能力;②表示允许;③表示猜测 表示能力用法如下: 肯定句结构:主语+can+动词原形+其他 I can balance on the ball. 否定句结构:主语+can’t+动词原形+其他 I can’t balance on the ball. 一般疑问句 :Can +主语+动词原形+其他? Can you balance on the ball? 肯:Yes,主语+can. 否:No, 主语+can’t. (Justification:This step will help ss have a better understanding of general question.) Step 6 Practise (10mins) T ask ss to do some exercises to master the grammar and key words. (Justification:This step will help ss grasp the key points better.) Step 7 Summary and homework(5mins) Summary: Do the summary together with the students. Let them know what they have learned in this lesson. Homework: (1)Copy the new words five times (2)R ... ...

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