
人教pep版四年级下册 recycle 2课件

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:43次 大小:66859926Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) recycle 2 人教英语PEP版 四年级下册 unit 4 知识点复习 at the farm Lead in At the farm --What's this/that --It's a carrot tomato green bean potato Let’s review At the farm --What are these/those --They're carrots tomatoes green beans potatoes look at the _____, it's so _____ look at the _____, they're so _____ long big nice red --What are these --They' re .......... . --Are these/those .......... - -Yes , they are/ No , they aren't. show time Let’s learn important words 补全单词 1.t __ __ato 2. __ __ rr __ts 3. po__ __ oes 4. __ions 5. green__ ___ __ __. Language points These, those , those, these What are these? They are dogs. What are those? They are pigs. my chant let's play Those/these are ........ horses sheep cows pigs hens carrots potatoes tomatoes Green beans p41 Let’s talk What's the weather like today exercise 找出正确的答语 What are those What time is it How much is the scarf Where is the study Whose gloves are those It's 102 yuan. They're my mother's They are tigers . It's windy It's 4: 12 It's on the second floor. p45 story time or{ / :/pork morning sports fork horse for floor sorry born / / work homework housework word world worm spelling 判断下列单词划线部分读音是(√)否(×)相同。(5分) ( ) 1.A.computer B. dinner C. teacher ( ) 2.A bird B. shirt C. short ( )3.A people B. uncle C. table ( )4.A homework B. shorts C. horse ( )5.A nurse B. girl C. sir exercise unit 5 知识点复习 my clothes I like that / those......... T-shirt jacket hat skirt dress sweater coat shorts pants shoes socks review words sentences Let’s chant My shirt is red ,My jacket is blue, My dress is old ,My sweater is new. My socks are white ,My shoes are too. My pants are old, My shorts are new. let's play The dress is beautiful. The hat is small. The skirt is little. The pants are purple. Beautiful clothes, beautiful clothes. How nice! How nice! Cool, cool, cool! sentences Show time let's talk Show time let's talk Are these yours No, they aren’t. My shoes are green. They are Chen Jie’s. Is this John’s No, it isn’t. It’s Mike’s. 表示所有关系的说法: 1. 人名+’s 2. your + 名词 = yours summary Whose are those They are… Whose is it It’s …’s Is this your… Yes, It’s…/ No, it isn’t… Are these yours Yes, they are …/ No, they aren’t.. summary p66 read aloud Chen: Tomorrow will be _____. Let’s_____ tomorrow. Sarah/ Amy: Yeah! warm and sunny have a picnic Assistant : _____ Sarah: Yes, five tomatoes and _____ please. Amy: Three bananas and two apples, please. _____ Chen: That’s _____ Assistant : That’s 42 yuan in total. Can I help you two carrots, How much is that. expensive. Chen: That _____ is cool! Whose is it Amy: It’s_____. I like it, too. play jacket. Sarah’s. Amy: _____Sarah’s! Quick! Sarah: Are _____cows They look hungry. Chen: _____ tomatoes are those those . Whose. They’re . le /l/{ apple little table people uncle circle hole purple noodle bottle handle spelling computer dinne ... ...

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