
Unit 8 Our colour fair. 第二课时 教案(表格式)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:35次 大小:15411Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Teaching explanation Teaching Contents Unit8 Our colour fair (Cambridge young learners English) Teaching Time Students 剑桥少儿英语第一级下册 Teaching Aids ppt Teaching Objectives Teaching objectives : Ss can review the words about colors and know how to describe them. Ability objectives: Ss could master how to express the colours about the things surrounding. Emotional objectives: Ss can have a better understanding of the nature world. Teaching Key Points Key words and sentences Teaching Difficult points The difference between adjectives and verbs. Teaching Approach Inducing-mode teaching Teaching procedures Step 1 Warm-up and review(10mins) Greeting: Good evening, class! Nice to meet you! Long time no see! How are you doing? In most conditions, we can identify one’s gender according to the appearance. Now let’s play a game, “she” or “he”. If you see a girl, you should say “she”. Or else, you should say “he”. Have you got it? Mine game (Justification:This step will arouse the ss’ interest.) Step 2 New words(30mins) New words 放 put 知道 know 想 要 want 用心 by heart 彩虹 rainbow Game: Fingers game, wooden man (Justification:This step will help ss master the words better.) Step 3 Practise (5mins) T:Now let’s do a fast-reaction. If I say English words, you should say the Chinese meaning. On the contrary, if I say Chinese , you should say English. Understand? (Justification:This step will test whether the ss master the words .) Step 4 Sentences(20mins) T shows some pictures and say. T:Look! There are many beautiful balloons here. They are very colourful. Which coloured balloon do you want? S1:I want this blue balloon,please. T: And you? S2: I want that yellow parrot,please. T: What about this red one? Do you want it, Linda? S3: Yes,please. T: And Jenny? S4:No. I like that green one,please. ... Key sentences: 1.Which coloured balloon do you want? Yellow, please. 你想要什么颜色的气球? 黄色。 2.Is your apple red? 你的苹果是红色的吗? 是的, 它是。Yes, it is. 不,它不是。No, it isn’t. 3.I’m learning colors. 我正在学颜色。 4.I become smart. 我变聪明了。 5.I put the colours in my head. 6.I know them all by heart. 我用心记住了他们。 (Justification:This step will both improve the students’ listening and speaking abilities.) Step 5 Practise (20mins) Ss work in pairs to practise the sentences. (Justification:This step will help ss remember the sentences well.) Step 6 Summary and homework(5mins) Summary: Do the summary together with the students. Let them know what they have learned in this lesson. Homework: (1)Copy the new words five times (2)Read the text at least three days. (Justification:Homework is the extension of class and helps them to enhance what they have learned in this class.) Teaching reflection T should design more interesting teaching procedures to attract all the students to involve the lesson.

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