

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:61次 大小:262656Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 仁爱版七年级下英语期末测试题 题号 I II III IV V VI VII 总分 得分 一、单选题(本大题共15小题,共15分) 1. Dave is _____ American boy. He thinks Chinese is _____ useful subject. A. a; an B. an; an C. an; a D. a; a 2. -How?many?_____?do?you?have? -Three.(  ) A. cup?of?tea B. cups?of?teas C. cups?of?tea D. cup?of?teas 3. We?have?math?and?Chinese?_____?Monday?morning.(  ) A. at B. in C. on D. for 4. Sandra?doesn't?_____?running.?She?only?_____?playing?tennis.(  ) A. likes;?like B. like;?likes C. likes;?likes D. like;?like 5. This?bike?is?very?nice.?It?only?____?150 yuan?online.(  ) A. takes B. buys C. costs D. spends 6. I’m _____ my English book,but I can’t _____it. A. look;find B. look for;find C. looks for;find out D. looking for;find 7. There????????????????a?sports?meeting?in?our?school?last?week.(  ) A. is B. are C. was D. were 8. —_____? —I did my homework. A. Where?were?you?last?night B. What?did?you?do?last?night C. What?are?you?doing?now D. What?do?you?look?like 9. _____ notebooks are on the desk. _____ one is my favorite. A. Three ;Third B. Three ; The third C. Third ;The third D. The three ;Third 10. -Let's _____ basketball. ?? ?-Sounds great. I want Tom and Mike _____ it with us, too. A. plays; play B. play; play C. to play; to play D. play; to play 11. There were _____ animals in the forest many years ago. A. five thousands B. thousands of C. thousand of 12. -Who?is?the?boy? -?He?is?_____son.(  ) A. Bob?and?Jane B. Bob's?and?Jane C. Bob?and?Jane's D. Bob's?and?Jane's 13. -Do you like the latest(最新的)iPad ? -Yes. It looks _____ and sells _____. A. well; well B. good; well C. well; good 14. --It’s difficult for me to _____ the word in English. ?? --Don’t worry, let me show you. A. speak B. say C. talk D. tell 15. --?Can?you?finish?your?homework?by?yourself? --_____.(  ) A. Very?well. B. It?doesn't?matter. C. Good?job. D. No?problem. 二、补全对话(本大题共1小题,共5分) A:Hi, Mum. (16) B:Yes,I can. A: (17) B:In Hong Kong Disneyland. A:Great! (18) B:I m taking a lot of photos. There are many funny things here. A:What is Dad doing? B: (19) There are many lovely presents. A:I hope you and Dad have a great time. B:Thank you! (20) A:Bye - bye. 三、完形填空(本大题共10小题,共10分) Dear Sally, I'm in Sanya now. My parents and I arrived here by (21) yesterday. My uncle met us at the airport(机场). We were a little (22), so we had a rest(休息) at my uncle's home yesterday afternoon. Yesterday evening, we had dinner in a Chinese (23). The food was delicious there. After dinner, my cousin and I watched a(n)(24) soccer game on TV, because soccer is our favorite sport. When I(25) this morning, it was 7o'clock. After breakfast, my family went to the beach. We swam in the sea and played volleyball on the beach (26).We had a great time there. This afternoon, we (27) a walk along a busy street. There were many shops ... ...

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