

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:30次 大小:27415Byte 来源:二一课件通
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人教版(PEP)小学英语三年级下册期末复习试卷(3) 一、翻译 ⒈兄弟_____ ⒉祖母_____ ⒊祖父_____ ⒋家庭_____ ⒌grandma_____ ⒍grandpa_____ 二、单选题 1.选出不同项(? ) A.?ruler??????????????????????????????????????B.?twelve??????????????????????????????????????C.?eraser 2.选出不同项(? ) A.?on???????????????????????????????????????????B.?in???????????????????????????????????????????C.?your 3.选出不同项(? ) A.bird B.eleven C.seventeen 4.选出不同项(? ) A.?watermelon???????????????????????????????????B.?apple???????????????????????????????????C.?bread 5.选出不同项(? ) A.?see??????????????????????????????????????????B.?ball??????????????????????????????????????????C.?have 6—_____ you like apples? —Yes,I do. A.?Do????????????????????????????????????????????B.?Are????????????????????????????????????????????C.?Is 7—_____is my cap? —It's under the chair. A.?What???????????????????????????????????????B.?Who???????????????????????????????????????C.?Where 8._____ is my family. A.?She??????????????????????????????????????????B.?He??????????????????????????????????????????C.?This 9I like _____. A.?strawberry?????????????????????????????B.?strawberrys?????????????????????????????C.?strawberries 10.—Where are you? —_____behind you. A.?I'm?????????????????????????????????????????B.?It's?????????????????????????????????????????C.?You're 11.—_____ apples do you see? —I see fourteen. A.?How much?????????????????????????????B.?How many?????????????????????????????C.?What colour 12.你想把你的朋友Sarah介绍给妈妈认识,你应说:_____ A.?Hi,I'm Sarah.???????????????????????????????????B.?This is Sarah. 13.你想请朋友吃橙子,你应说:_____ A.?Have some oranges.????????????????????????B.?Can I have some oranges? 14.你祝朋友玩得愉快,你可以说:_____ A.?Thank you!??????????????????????????????????B.?Have a good time! 15.你想问Amy这是什么,你应说:_____ A.?What's this?????????????????????????????????????B.?What's that? 三、选词填空(词汇运用) 1.选词填空。 playing, ? name, ?? brother, ? read, ?? good My _____is Jill. This is my_____. He can_____. He likes _____football. He's a_____ boy. I like him. We are happy. 2.He is my _____(father/ brother). He's a pupil. 3.— _____( What / Who) is that woman???? — She's my teacher. 4.This is my grandpa._____?( He / She) is 60 years old. 四、连词成句 1.is, ?my, ?this, ?family (.) _____ 2.brother He's my (.) _____ 3.woman Who's that (?) _____ 4.is, ?your, ?mother, ?she (?) _____ 5.grandma is my This (.) _____ 五、补全对话 A.Nice to meet you,too. B.No,he isn't. C.He is my brother. D.She is my mother. E.Yes,she is. (1)—Who's that boy? —_____ (2)—Is she your sister? —_____ (3)—Who's that woman? —_____ (4)—Nice to meet you. —_____ (5)—Is he your father? —_____ 六、阅读理解 .阅读短文并判断。 ?? My name is Danny. This is a picture of my family. This is my father. He's tall and thin. This is my mother. She's thin. She's nice. This is my sister, Kitty. She's ten years old. She's tall. (1)It is a photo of Danny's family. ( ... ...

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