
Unit 6 Role Models Lesson 17 People in Our Lives.课件(23张PPT)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:89次 大小:5062656Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Who is this man? Who is this man? He was a scientist and an inventor. He was a hardworking person. He followed his dream and made it come true. He invented the technology for printing Chinese characters. Who is she? She is not only organised but also caring. She makes a plan for a whole week. She likes helping us with our study. When you are ill,she will look after you. She teaches us physics. Who is he? Bella Adam Lily Task 1:Listen and match the persons’ role models. My role model is my cousin, Jack. He is the person I treasure most. My role model is my neighbour ,Ms Li. Task 2:Listen and choose what their good qualities are. 1.Bella’s father is_____and_____. 2.Adam’s neighbour is_____. 3.Lily’s cousin is_____, _____and _____. organised, excellent, friendly, honest friendly caring active excellent honest organised I would prefer to use the word “friend” to describe him. honest, active caring, friendly, active He always gives me the support I need when I’m having difficulties. ? Task 3:Listen and fill in the table. Bella her father 1._____ me to do anything I like 2. have the same _____ 3._____ books with each other 4.____me the support I need when I’m having difficulties Don’t let _____ bother you. failure reasons good qualities allow interests share give friendly caring Speaker Role model Why What to learn? ? Adam Ms li his neighbour People won’t be old if they still have a great ____ for ____. love life good qualities reasons active 1.still ____ at heart 2.enjoy outdoor activities 3.be not slow and boring young ___ her bike __hiking ride go ____piano lessons to children _____ time doing volunteer work teach spend Speaker Role model Why What to learn? ? Lily Jack her cousin He always____ a good example for us and she wants to _____ her example. sets follow good qualities reasons 1.do everything according to a plan (1)____ a plan for the whole week (2)stick to the plan and never _____ his plan make change 2.Never tell a ____ lie 3.Never _____on anyone look down organised honest excellent Speaker Role model Why What to learn? 1.Retell the listening material according to the table. 1 2 3 ? 峪口中学要开展“向身边的榜样学习”英语演讲比赛,欢迎大家踊跃报名。 2.Talking about. Your speech must include the followings: 1.Who is your role model? 2. What good qualities does he/she have? 3. Would you please give some examples? 4.What do you learn from him/her? ? You can use these adjectives and phrases to help you. adjectives: active organised honest caring excellent kind-hearted helpful kind phrases: be good at teach sb to do work hard learn a lot from try one’s best to help sb to do stick to his/her plan never tell a lie spend time doing be willing to do set a good example ? Example: When talking about role models, you may think of the stars ,like Wang Yuan, Yao Ming and Zhou Jielun. But my role model is different from them .It’s my father. He is a helpful and modest man. He cares much more about others than himself.He always helps many people ... ...

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