
新目标英语七年级下Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?知识点(单词短语句型)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:87次 大小:62976Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 12 What did you do last weekend? 重点单词 camp (v.) 扎营,宿营 短语:go camping去野营; camp out野营,露营 (n.) 野营,营地 词组:summer camp夏令营; winter camp冬令营 stay(v.)停留;待 短语:stay up late深夜不睡;熬夜; stay in 呆在室内;不外出; stay at home呆在家里; stay out呆在户外; stay away from离开;不接近 shout (v.) 呼叫;喊叫 短语:shout at......冲........大声叫嚷 shout to.... 对........大声喊叫 两者的区别? eg. (1)It’s too noisy here. You should him. 这儿太吵了,你应该大点声跟他说。 Don’t me. 别对我大吼大叫。 move (vi.) 移动 move to +地点名词 “搬到.....” move to Beijing (vt.) “移动;搬动” start(vt.)开始;着手 start to do sth.=start doing sth. 开始做某事 (vi.)动身;出发 He started for America last week. start with 以.......开始 Our lesson started with an English song. jump (v.) 短语: jump up and down上下跳动; jump into跳入; jump over 跳过; jump out of 跳出 (n.)跳 high jump跳高 long jump 跳远 wake(v.) 弄醒 wake up sb. =wake sb. up beach(n.) sheep (n.) 绵羊 单复数相同 deer Chinese Japanese natural (adj.) 自然的 nature(n.)大自然,自然界 visitor (n.) 游客;访问者 tired(adj.)疲倦的;疲劳的 look/feel tired看起来/感觉很疲劳 be tired of 对.........感到厌烦 away(adv.)离开;远离 run away 跑开;逃跑 mouse(n.)老鼠,耗子 复数:mice language (n.) a second language 一门第二语言 India(n.)印度 surprise (n.) 惊奇,惊讶 get a surprise吃惊; in surprise惊奇地,惊讶地; to one’s surprise令人惊讶的是 (v.)使吃惊,使惊奇 surprising(adj.)令人惊奇的,修饰事物; surprised (adj.) 感到惊讶的,修饰人; eg. We are surprised at the surprising news. forest (n.) 森林 重点短语 do?my?homework?做作业???????????????????? 2.go?to?the?cinema?去看电影? 3.go?boating?去划船??????????????????????????? 4.by?the?lake?在湖边? 5.go?to?the?beach?去海滩???????????????????????? 6.play?badminton?打羽毛球? 7.visit?my?grandma?看望我奶奶????????????????? ?8.study?for?the?English?test?为英语测验而学习备考? the?Natural?History?Museum?自然历史博物馆??????? kind?of?有点儿? stay?up?深夜不睡,熬夜?????????????????????? 12.give?back?归还? 13.be?afraid?害怕?????????????????????????????? ?14.play?the?guitar?弹吉他? go?to?the?library?去图书馆?????????????????????? 16.in?a?swimming?pool?在游泳池里? 17.?shout?at…?冲……大声叫嚷???????????????????? 18.high?school?高中,中学? 19.fly?kites?放风筝、????????????????????????????? 20.go?camping?去野营 21.put?up?搭建??????????????????????????????????? 22.make?a?fire?生火?23.tell?stories?讲故事????????????????????????????? ?24.each?other?互相?25.go?to?sleep?入睡???????????????????????????????? 26.get?a?surprise?吃惊? 27.shout?to…?呼喊……喊叫……???????????????????? 28.up?and?down?来来回回;上上下下? 29.wake…up?把……弄醒????????????????????????? ?31.on?Saturday?morning?在星期六早上???????????????? have?a?good?weekend?周末过得愉快?????????????? 33.the?next?morning?第二天早上?????????????????????? 34.work?as?以……身份而工作????????????? 35.run?away?跑开???????? stay up late 深夜不睡;熬夜 shout at......冲........大声叫嚷 sh ... ...

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