

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:59次 大小:70471Byte 来源:二一课件通
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六年级上学期英语 期中测试 听力部分(20分) 一、选择你所听到的单词。(5分) ( )1、A. beside B. opposite C. behind ( )2、A. comb B. thumb C. lamp ( )3、A. name B. same C. game ( )4、A. fish B. wash C. dish ( )5、A. tie B. pie C. lie 二、选择你所听到的句子。(5分) ( )1、A. She is new here. B. He is new here. ( )2、A. What class are you in? B. What grade are you in? ( )3、A. May I have a rest? B. May I have a look? ( )4、A. Let me show you around. B. Let’s show you around. ( )5、A. Happy Teacher’s Day B. Happy Children’s Day 三、听每小题一段小对话,选择最佳答案。(5分) ( )1、What are you doing? A. I’m eating fruit. B. I’m making a wish. ( )2、What would you like to drink? A. Tea, please. B. I’d like water. ( )3、 May I go to the park? A. Yes, of course. B. Yes. ( )4、Where is the living room? A. It’s beside the study. B. It’s beside the kitchen ( )5、What is she doing? A. She is drawing picture. B. She is waiting for a classmate. 四、听短文,从相应选项中选出你所听到的最佳答案。(5分) ( )1、It’s . A. in the morning B. in the evening ( )2、My mother is . A. cooking in the kitchen B. eating in the kitchen ( )3、I am . A. doing homework B. watching TV ( )4、My father is writing . A. a letter B. an e-mail ( )5、My cat is . A. playing B. eating fish 笔试部分(80分) 一、字母知识。(5分) 1、写出元音字母。 2、写出下列所缺字母。 Ff Hh Oo Qq Ss Uu Jj Ll Xx Zz 二、根据汉语意思,在四线三格内写出正确的英语单词。(10分) 1、The dining room is (对面 )the kitchen. 2、He is (听) to the teacher. 3、The art room is on the (第二) floor. 4、Tingting is (擦,打扫) the blackboard. 5、The (雪) is white and bright. 三、根据问句,从方框中选出合适的答语,再抄写在四线三格内。(10分) ( ) 1、When is Teachers’ Day? ( ) 2、May I have a rest? ( ) 3、What are they doing? ( ) 4、Where is the classroom? ( ) 5、What would you like to drink? A. It’s on the ground floor. B. Yes, of course. C. They are digging a hole. D. I’d like some water, please. E. It’s on September 10th. 四、请选出每组中不同类的单词。(5分) ( )1、A. yellow B. goat C. snow ( ) 2、A. drawing B. playing C. running ( ) 3、A. first B. third C. two ( ) 4、A. sky B. light C. fight ( ) 5、A. water B. juice C. bread 五、根据情景,选择正确的表达形式。(10分) ( )1、想要知道对方在几年级,你可以怎么问: What class are you in? Where are you? ( ) 2、你想去教师办公室,却不知道在哪里,你应该怎么说: Where is the teachers’ office? Where is the teaching building? ( ) 3、你想把窗户打开,你可以怎么说: May I close the window? May I open the window? ( ) 4、你想知道对方在做什么,你应该怎么说: What is she doing? What are you doing? ( ) 5、你想问对方吃点什么,你该怎么说: What would you like to eat? B. What would you like to drink? 六、单项选择。(10分) ( )1、在单词TRY和CRY中,字母Y的正确读音应该是 。 A. / ai / B. / ei / ( ) 2、I new here. A. is B. am ( ) 3、We are waiting Sam Smith. A. to B. for ( ) 4、The art room is the fourth floor. A. on B. in ( ) 5、What nice man. A. an B. ... ...

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