
人教新课标必修2 Unit 5 Music warming up and reading课件(33张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:49次 大小:3444697Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件33张PPT。Unit 5 MusicPeriod 1 warming up and readingActivity 1 Brain-storming1. Do you like music? How does music make you feel?relaxed calmhappy 2. Can you name any music style?Without music, life is a journey through a desert.Activity2:Warming Up1.Can you name any music styles ?Classical music— A type of music that written in a Western musical tradition and considered to be serious and to have a lasting value.MorzartChopinBeethovenSchubertCountry music— A type of music originate from southern US usually express feelings about daily life.Choral—A kind of music that written for a group of singers. A traditional Christmas song, which is often sung in the church on Christmas Day. Folk music— Music in the traditional style of a country or community.Orchestra—A long complicated piece of music for a large group of people playing various musical instruments.OrchestraRock'n'Roll—It is also called rock and roll, a type of music with a strong beat and simple tunes, played loudly on electrical instruments.Jazz --It was born in the US around 1890. It was sung by black people and its root’s in Africa. 1.What kind of music do you like better, Chinese or Western, classical or modern? Why? 2.Do you want to be a singer/a musician or an instrument player? Activity 3 Discussionband 乐队Do you know any famous bands in the world??五 月天The 12-woman group of ChinaBackstreet boysWest lifeThe BeatlesDo you know the Monkees?The Monkees — the most popular band in the USA from 1966 to 1968!A big hit!The Band that Wasn’tThe Monkeesskimming reading1.How many musicians were there when the band was formed at the beginning? A. Four B. Three C. Two D. One 2.When did the Monkees break up and when did it reunite? A1970; 1996 B. 1970; 1990 C. 1970; the mid-1980s D. 1968; 1986 3.Which of the following statements is true? A. All the bands are formed because they like to write and play music. B. The Monkees played songs written by other musicians for many years. C. The Beatles is more popular than the Monkees. D. Forming bands for high school students can realize their dream of becoming famous. 1.Join the correct parts of the sentences together. 1 They produced a new record in 1996 2 Most musicians get together and 3 They put an advertisement in the newspaper looking for four rock musicians, 4 The first TV shows 5 However, the band broke up about 1970,A but only one person was accepted.B but reunited in the mid-1980s.C form a band because they like to write and play music.D to celebrate their time as a band.E was a big hit.scanning ReadingTrue or false questions The band began as a TV show. (2). The TV organizers had looked for five musicians who were lovely and who could make good music. (3). Each week the group that was called “The Monkees” would play a song or two written by themselves. (4) The band broke up in 1970, but reunited in the mid-1980s. (5) In 1996, they produced a new record to celebrate their time as band .TFFTTCareful readingThis is how most bands star ... ...

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