

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:42次 大小:3616146Byte 来源:二一课件通
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42. What makes people search for health information online? C. Importance of the Internet. D. The rise of online treatmen 43. From the fourth paragraph we know that A. people with health problems go online to look for the new treatment B. people with health problems try to share their er with others online C. peopk with health problems encourage each other online to fight against diseases D. Internet beco place for people with health problems to reduce worries 44. According to Paragraph 5, social networ king A. becomes a new way for doctors and patients to communicate with each other B. encourages people to get more help from doctors online in C. helps people to get more confidence about the treatment of their diseases D. makes people easier to know more about what their diseases are 45. What can we infer( r )from the last paragraph? an easy way for doctors heir patients. B. Doctors should change their way to treat their patients. C. Facebook, My Space and T witter become efficient tools for doctors. D. Most patients would like to ask their doctors for help onl ine now. C One day a young man was standing in a crowded place, shouting t hat he had the most beautiful heart in the world. Most of the people who saw his heart were amazed at he beauty of his heart. It had no little faw(瑕疵 Suddenly, an old man appeared and said, Oh, my son, your heart is not as beautiful as mine The old man showed his heart to the young man. It was beating strongly, but full scars. It had places where pieces had been removed and other pieces didn' t fit quite nght, and there were gaps and rough(崎岖不平的) edges. Some places had never been filled in. 荚语试卷第7页(·」,的涿

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