
人教新课标必修2 Unit 3 Computers Using Language 2 课件 (22张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:31次 大小:1216884Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件22张PPT。 Module 2 Unit 3 Computers (Reading, Speaking and Writing) Atom TransformerDoreamonDoreamonJapan is famous for machine can act like a human cleverelectronicrobotcan do many thingsusefulandroid cooking runningdrumming riding a bike playing football1.From the pictures ,we can guess the passage is about _____ A. a basketball match between humans B. a football match between androids C. a football match between human and androids D. a basketball match between androids 2. What is he good at? A. running B. walking C. playing football D. calculating Fast reading3. What part does Andy play in the team? A. goal keeper B. back C. center D. striker 4.Andy thinks the match in Seattle is_____ A. wonderful B. important C. unfair D. fair 5.Why can Andy play football like human? A. Because he has a computer chip. B. Because he is a human. C. Because his coach told him. D. because he is a real man. Careful reading: Fill in the blanks about Andy.as big as a humanlooks like a human can move and think like a human a striker competitive, confident, cooperative…… Summary The story is about the _____ named Andy who is a _____ on the football team. The computer _____ makes him think and move like a _____.Last year, they got the second _____ in the game, because the other team had a new ____ of program. After that, he will ask his programmer who is like their _____to improve his intelligence and make up some new _____. With the help of his _____ brain, he wants to fight against a human team.androidchipshuman prizetype coachelectronicstrikermoves Speaking (pair work) Topic: A reporter is interviewing a student whose android has won the first prize in “Android Designing competition”. What does the reporter want to know about the android? asking: *What android have you designed? *What does it look like? *What things can it do? *How much does it cost?...... *Why have you designed it this way? *How did you get the idea? answering: *The advantages are…… *It looks like a …… * I think it can do…… *I hope it costs much because… Sample: A: Congratulations on your android. B: Thank you! A: What can your android do? B: It can do many things such as…… A: OK. So what does it look like? B: About 35cm. It has the bright colour and four arms to do different things at the same time. A: How does it work? B: You type your orders into the computer keyboard and the android will do. A: How much does it cost? B: Perhaps 5000 yuan. A: That’s a bit expensive but very helpful.Writing (group work)Task: Write a short passage to introduce the android of your group to others. name appearance size ability reason …… We would like to design an android which is called…………. It looks like …………and its size may be ………… It has many advantages because it can …………and can help me ……… The reason why we program it in this way is that we hope ………We believe with the help of it, we will …………Use your imagination and creativity! Conclusion With the develop ... ...

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