
Unit 6 I'm watching TV Section B (1a-1e) 课件+音频

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:56次 大小:7108849Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 6 I'm watching TV. Section B(1a-1e) She’s using the computer. What’s she doing? If you know the answer, please stand up and answer the whole sentence(如果知道答案,请快速站起回答,比一比谁的速度快) The Quickest Eyes Lead-in He’s reading. What’s he doing? Lead-in What are they doing? They are playing chess. Lead-in They are doing their homework. What are they doing? Lead-in Pool [pu:l] He is swimming in the pool. What’s he doing? Lead-in They are shopping in the supermarket. Supermarket [?su:p?mɑ:k?t] shop[??p] What are they doing? Lead-in playground He is playing basketball on the playground. Man [?men] What’s the man doing? Lead-in library He is reading in the library. What’s he doing? Lead-in 1a Look at the pictures. Complete the chart. Places Activities 1. at school playing basketball 2. 3. 4. pool swimming supermarket shopping library reading (books) Let's Do It Is the man swimming in a river? No, he isn’t. He’s swimming in a pool. Pairwork Are they having a party at home? No, they aren’t. They’re shopping. Pairwork Is the man playing volleyball? No, he isn’t. He’s playing basketball. Pairwork If you know the answer, please put up your hand. The best one! Guessing Game 眼明手快,说出句子。 e.g. Is he swimming? Game What is he doing? Is he running? Game What is he doing? He is swimming. Game What is he doing? Is he dancing? Game He is eating. Game What’s he doing? Is he …? Game He is talking on the phone. Game What’s he doing? Is he …? Game He is playing the piano. Game What’s he doing? Is he …? Game He is playing football. Game What are they doing? Are they…? Game They,re dancing. Game Names Places Activities Alice supermarket Mike Lisa shopping (buying milk and bread) library playing basketball reading school 1d Listen again and check the answers in 1c. Listening Names Places Activities Alice supermarket Mike Lisa 1c Listen and complete the chart. Listening Conversation 1 A: Hello. Is Alice there? B: No, she isn’t. She’s at the supermarket. A: Oh, is she shopping? B: Yes, she is. She’s buying milk and bread. Conversation 2 A: Hello. Is Mike there? B: Sorry, he’s still at school. A: Oh. Umm, is he doing his homework? B: No, he isn’t. He’s playing basketball. Listening Conversation 3 A: Lisa? B: No, this is her sister, Julie. A: Oh. Is Lisa there? B: No, she isn’t. She’s at the library. A: Oh. Is she reading? B: Yes, she is. Listening Are you making soup? No, I’m not. One student comes to the front and mimes an activity. The others guess what the activity is.(一个同学上前来表演一项活动,其他人猜。) (如你知道答案请举手哦!) Are you cleaning? Yes, I am. GUESS Guess 小组活动:用现在进行时描述此图片。(人名自编) Let's Do It It’s Saturday today. It’s fine. There are many children in the park. Look! Two girls are playing volleyball. Two boys are talking about something. There are two birds in the sky. A boy is running after a bird. He wants to catch it. Another boy is cleaning the park. Who’s that girl under th ... ...

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