
Lesson 13 How Is School Going? 教学设计

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:72次 大小:31319Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Lesson 13 How Is School Going? 教学目标: 1.掌握单词:life, term, start, finish, twice, win, social, myself 短语:sports meet, twice a week/year, long/high jump, be good at, social studies, by oneself 2.掌握和运用谈论学校生活的句型: —How is the school life going? —Well,I am a little busy this term. My school days are very long. My school subjects are so interesting. —What subjects do you have? —I have Chinese, English, math, history and some others. P.E.is my favourite. We always have a big sports meet twice a year. I often take part in the long jump. You’re good at the long jump. Last week, I made a bird house all by myself. 3.能使用一般现在时。 4.能使用本课的词汇及句式How is the school life going?及回答。 5.能听懂关于学校生活的对话。 6.了解在外国如何照顾和关心别人。 教学内容: 1.学会运用表示学校生活的词或短语:life, term, start, finish, twice, win, social, myself, sports meet, twice a week/year, long/high jump, be good at, social studies, by oneself。 2.学会谈论学校生活的句型: —How is the school life going? —Well,I am a little busy this term. My school days are very long. My school subjects are so interesting. —What subjects do you have? —I have Chinese, English, math, history and some others. P.E.is my favourite. We always have a big sports meet twice a year. I often take part in the long jump. You’re good at the long jump. Last week, I made a bird house all by myself. 3.能使用一般现在时。 4.能使用本课的词汇及句式How is the school life going?及回答。 5.能听懂关于学校生活的对话。 6.了解在外国如何照顾和关心别人。 重点难点: 1.正确使用本单元的词和短语,分辨、会用life, term, start, finish, twice, win, social, myself, sports meet, twice a week/year, long/high jump, be good at, social studies, by oneself。 2.听力策略的渗透,听懂有关校园生活的文章。 3.能够用英语How is…?提问有关校园的事及回答。 4.了解如何用英语描述学校生活。 教学思路: 本课时的教学内容是冀教版七年级英语下册第三单元的第一课时,重点在于引导学生理解语境,从对学校的事提问开始,自然地导入谈论学校生活的话题。以了解詹妮在加拿大的学校生活作为任务引起学生的听说兴趣,训练学生的听力和口语表达能力。利用动作、手势和图片学习英语单词,同时在对话中反复运用新学的单词和短语。因此,教师可以将知识目标定为掌握本课时新出现的词和短语,询问学校生活、学习科目和课后活动等内容及应答的句型。情感目标定为通过话题的学习,培养学生的学习习惯和兴趣,使学生能够用英语询问有关加拿大的学校生活、学习科目和课后活动的事及应答,并能听懂关于谈论学校生活的对话。 教学准备: 设计教学PPT,录音机,多媒体,相应的插图,表示一些活动的实物、图片和单词卡片。 教学过程: StepⅠ.Lead in Leading in 【情景1】 Teacher asks the students to ask some questions about Jenny’s school life in Canada.The students who know the answers can answer the questions.If they can’t, the students can show them the answers. T:Hello,boys and girls.What do you want to know about Jenny’s school life in Canada? You can ask any questions about this subject. S1:How is Jenny’s school life going? S2:It’s a little busy. S3:What subjects does Jenny have? S4:She has social s ... ...

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