
Lesson 10 Make Your Garden Grow! 教学设计

日期:2024-05-19 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:85次 大小:28327Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Lesson 10 Make Your Garden Grow! 教学目标: 1.掌握单词:test,dry,purpose,consider;短语:make sure,keep…away from,best of all,forget to do sth 2.掌握和运用表达管理花园的句型: There are many ways to grow a garden. You need to keep water nearby. Finally,don’t forget to have fun. 3.了解一些园艺活动的句式。 4.通过阅读训练,小组合作的方式,通过实物或图片提供的场景练习目标语言,提高英语听说读写各方面能力。 教学内容: 1.懂的运用本课重点单词或短语:test,dry,purpose,consider,make sure,keep…away from,best of all,forget to do sth 2.表达管理花园的句型: There are many ways to grow a garden. You need to keep water nearby. Finally,don’t forget to have fun. 3.进一步掌握祈使句的用法。 重点难点: 1.正确使用本课关于管理花园的词或短语:test,dry,purpose,consider,make sure,keep…away from,best of all,forget to do sth 2.懂的介绍管理花园的情况。 3.掌握重点句型: Most plants need a lot of sunshine to grow well. To make the soil rich enough,you can put compost in your garden. What else do you need to consider to your garden? You have fun planting it. 教学思路: 本课时的教学内容是冀教版八年级下册英语第二单元的第四课时,主要涉及花园管理方法的介绍。在授课之前先让学生通过网络了解花园管理的特点,也可以回忆自己所见的花园及园林工人工作的情况。课上可以通过让学生小组合作的形式进行相互交流:然后教师通过幻灯片、图片向学生展示园林工人工作的情况,并让学生用英语进行简单介绍。 教学准备: 设计教学PPT,录音机,多媒体,图片和单词卡片。 教学过程: StepⅠ.Lead in Leading in 【情景1】 T:Hello,boys and girls.Do you like gardening? S1:Yes/No. T:What is fun about growing a plant? S2:We can enjoy the flowers. S3:We can be relaxed. Discuss the questions in groups.The teacher shows some pictures about gardening.Ask the students to talk for three minutes.Then let them present their talk in class. [设计意图] 利用学生学过的内容,从询问园艺开始,轻松进入语境,进而介绍生词,图片的使用使学习更加形象直观,自然地进入谈论园艺的新话题。 Leading in 【情景2】 Greet the class. T:Hello! Boys and girls! Ss:Hello! Mr./Ms.XX. Ask the students to introduce the gardening in class. S1:I want to plant vegetables in my garden. S2:I will water them on time. S3:Gardening is fun! Show the new word “gardening” and show the picture of gardening to the students. [设计意图] 运用学生所学的知识,从谈论熟悉的入手进入新内容的学习,运用实物或图片帮助学生学习生词,直观、感性、形象。 StepⅡ.Presentation If some students feel the passage is too long,the teacher can divide it into two or three parts.Then ask them to read them in groups.After a while, ask them to read them one by one. (1)You must consider many things when you decide to begin gardening. (2)You can test it to make sure. (3)To make the soil rich enough,you can put compost in your garden. (4)It can help keep these small animals away from your garden. (5)Finally,don’t forget to have fun. Please pay attention to the long words:gardening,compost,finally. [设计意图] 小组合作阅读课文,利用多媒体展示园艺,创设情景,使同学们身临其境,激发说的欲望。在练习中巩固本课需要掌握的句型。 StepⅢ.Listening T: ... ...

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