
Unit 1 How can we become good learners? Section A (1a-2d) 课件+音频

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:11次 大小:94062389Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 1 How can we become good learners? Section A(1a-2d) How can we become good learners? Lead in I study English by working with friends. How do you study English? Do you study English by the following ways? Presentation How do you study English? I study English by reading the textbook. by doing sth Presentation I study English by reading the textbook. I study English by working with a group. n. 课本 Presentation I study English by making word cards. I study English by asking the teacher for help. Presentation I study English by listening to tapes. Presentation Check the ways you study English. Then add other ways you sometimes study. 1a Presentation ___ a. by working with friends. ___ b. by making word cards. ___ c. by reading the textbook. ___ d. by listening to tapes ___ e. by asking the teacher for help. … Check the ways you study English. Then add other ways you sometimes study. 1a Let's Do It Presentation I study English by listening to English songs/news. by watching English movies. Look and Say Look and Say I study English by reading English books or nespapers. Look and Say I study English by working with friends. Teaching is learning. Look and Say How do these students study for a test? 1b Listening Listen. How do these students study for a test? Write letters from 1a above. ___ 1. Meiping ___ 2. Peter ___ 3. Tony Listening 1b b e d Listening I study by working with a group. How do you study for a test? Make conversations about how you study for a test. 1c Pairwork 1 ____ Does anyone learn English by watching videos? 2 ____ Do you have conversations with friends in English? 3 ____ What about listening to tapes? 4 ____ What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation? 5 ____ Have you ever studied with a group? Listen and check the questions you hear. 2a n. 交谈; 谈话 adv. 大声地; 出声地 n. 发音 Listening a. Yes, I have. I’ve learned a lot that way. b. Oh, yes. It really improves my speaking skills. c. I do that sometimes. I think it helps. d. No. It’s too hard to understand spoken English. Listen again. Match each answer below with a question above. 2b Keys: 1. ____ 2. ____ 4. ____ 5. ____ d b c a Listening Sentence Types 句子种类 Talking Have you ever studied with a group? Make conversations using the information in 2a and 2b. Pairwork: Talk about your ways of learning English. 2c Yes, I have. I’ve learned a lot that way. 2d Role-play the conversation. Jack: Annie, I’m a little nervous. I have to finish reading a book and give a report next Monday. Annie:That doesn’t sound too bad. Jack: But I’m a very slow reader. Annie:Just read quickly to get the main ideas at first. Don’t read word by word. Read word groups. Role play Jack: But I don’t understand many of the words. I have to use a dictionary. Annie:Try to guess a word’s meaning by reading the sentences before and after it. You probably understand more than you think. Jack: That sounds difficult! Annie:Well, be patient. It takes time.You can become better by readin ... ...

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