

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:42次 大小:4538268Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2018-2019学年浦东新区八下期末考试 IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(用括号内所给单词 的适当形式填空,每空格限填一词):(共6分) 47. The manager took us to the entrance which impressed us a lot. (person) with my good friend at school is a good way to relax at noon. (cha 49. The boy on the left comes from France. (five) 50. With the sense of you can see the flowers. (see) 51. Sheshan state resort is one of the most ghai (scenery) all with your progress. Keep it up. (please) V. Rewrite the following sentences as required.(按要求改写下列句子,每空格限填一词 (10分) 53. Helen is george's mother.(对划线部分提问) Helen 4. Why don' t you spread your wings and visit france?(保持句子意思不变) F 55. Mr Black put the naughty boy in detention the day before yesterday. (EEA]) Mr black the naughty boy in detention me day before yesterday 56."I n I get to the nearest hospital?" thc man asked.(连接成宾语从句) 57.is, to walk, my father, enough, brave, on the plank(连词成句) Part 3 Reading and writing Vl. Reading comprehension.(共25分) A. Choose the best answer..(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案,用A、B、C或D表示) (6分) Nhat a i stayed in a hotel night before. I was in a holiday mood that night, so I went to the d ordered a drink to celeb sonc other people. We had a great time. When I left the bar, it was about three in the morning. The flight was at six o'clock, so it wasn t really worth going to sleep. I after a few minutes running up and down the street, an airport bus came along, so i got on that When i got there it was actually nearly six, so I thought the gate must be closed. I'd missed my plane. The whole tenminal (#x)was empty except for a huge crowd of people at one end and luckily, that was the queue for my flight. It was delayed! Yeah. I was real pleased. But the del went from one hour, to four hours to finally nine hours! Nine hours waiting in the airport. I slept on some chairs most of the time. Finally, at around three o'clock, the plane took off. but the worst part came! After a few hours there was a huge storm and the plane started bouncing all over the place- I remember feeling it was like being in a washing machine. People were screaming. babies 4:10 ing and food flying rst thing of all -the masks and th the place and light ide the windows Anyway the plane didnt crash thank Goc, and we got to Hong Kong in the end, but what a joumey! I'll never forget it 58. The wolnan was talking abouit her journey by plar B)enjoyable C)expensive D)terrible 9. The woman was in a holiday mood the night before, so she did a lot to celebrate EXCEPt to the hotel b ple C)ordering a big meal 60. The woman got up late, but she didn 't miss her plane becau B)her pla C) she got to the airport by taxi in tin D)the plane was waiting for her 1. The underlined word bouncing probably means B)jumping C)flying D)ris 62. which of the following is NOT trUe accordling to the passage? A)The woman was talking about her journey from Hong Kong to london B)When ... ...

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