
Module 1 Unit 3 Our school in the future 课件 (共29张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:67次 大小:6648967Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件29张PPT。牛津上海版六三学制-英语-六年级下Unit 3 Our school in the future Let's Learn学习一下吧Warm upIn the future, schools will be different. They will be under the _____, on high _____ and even in _____ .seaspacemountains Schools of the futureRobots will help us _____ in the library. They will also _____ in schools.find booksdo other thingsWe will use _____ in all our lessons. They will help us see _____ and other interesting things.dinosaurscomputersWe will have lessons with students from _____. We will do a lot of things _____ together.other countriesonlineWe will not _____ books to school. All our books will be on _____.carrya small computer1.Who will help us find books in the library? 2.Will we use computer in all our lessons? 3.Will we carry books to school?RobotsNo.Yes.Listen and answer课本第17页m milk mouse room cream n night find win in ng sing ring n(k) bank thank n(g) hungry EnglishListen and circle. 1. am an 2. term turn 3. mice nice 4. moon noon 5. win wing 6. bank back 7. in ink 8. seem sing watch TVgo shoppingsing songstake photosevery dayyesterdaynext weeknowItheyheyouPlay a gameDivide the class into 3 groups. 2. Each student picks a card.3. Find two other students with different shapes and make sentences.RULES! Play a gamewatch TVnext weekheHe will watch TV next week.Example! Play a game一、单选题 1. Dinosaurs lived on the Earth_____ . A.?in the future B.?ten years ago????C.?long long ago 2. People can't live _____ now. A.under the sea B.on the mountain C.in the countryside 3.In the future, students_____not carry_____ books. All their books will be on a small computer. A.?are; any?????????????B.?would; some??????????C.?will; any 4.Mother _____ me a nice present on my next birthday. A.?will gives????????????????B.?will give????????????C.?givesCACB5. In the future, school will ____ different. A.?is????????????????????????B.?are???????????????????????C.?be 6. Robot will help us ____ books in the library. A.?find?????????????????????B.?finds????????????????C.?finding 7. Students will _____ carry any books. A.?no???????????????????????B.?not???????????????????C.?don'tCAB二、翻译 8.我们全部的书都将会在放在一个小电脑里。 _____ 9.我们将会一起在线做大量的事情。 _____ 10.机器人将会帮助我们在图书馆里找书。 _____ 11.我们将会每周进行一次野餐。 _____ 12.我们将会在我们所有的课程中使用计算机。 _____All our books will be on a small computer.We will do a lot of things online together.Robots will help us find books in the library.We will have a picnic every week. We will use computers in all our lessons.三、阅读理解 13.阅读判断。(正确“T” ,错误“F”) Sally's school In the past ??? Sally's school was small ten years ago. There were only ten classrooms and twelve teachers. The playground was small and there weren't any trees around it. The library was small too. There weren't many books or magazines in it. There wasn't a garden.In the future ??? There will be a big garden. Students will grow plants in it. Students will have more PE lessons. T ... ...

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