
Unit 4 Growing up 第一课时 Welcome to the unit 课件+教案+练习

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:84次 大小:6098213Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 4 Growing up welcome to the unit:46张PPT
    Unit 4 Growing up Welcome to the unit同步练习
    1. You can only achieve success _____ ( 通过) hard work.
    2. The movie is set in the_____ (时代) of the Russian Revolution.
    3. This job requires a lot of _____ (旅行).
    4. When you finish _____(read) The Ordinary’ World (平凡的世界), you will have a better understanding of life.
    5. _____ (climb) mountains can be very hard.
    6. The young man is so able that nothing _____ (worry) him.
    7. That was her _____ (one) novel in English and it was a great success.
    8. Simon’s parents don’t allow him _____ (play) outside after 6 p.m.
    9. Chinese is much_____ (easy) to learn than Maths, I think,
    10. _____ (write) to us as soon as you get home, will you
    11. (2019凉山州)—Look, there is a cute bird, Mom.
    —It flew into our kitchen the window just now, Alex.
    A. across B. through C. above D. under
    12. (2019东营)--I’m afraid e-books might be bad for our eyes.
    U4 comic.swf
    U4 Welcome to the unit B.mp3
    Unit 4 Growing up welcome to the unit.ppt
    Unit 4 Growing up 第一课时Welcome to the unit同步练习.docx
    Unit 4 Growing up 第一课时Welcome to the unit教学设计.doc

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