
福建省龙岩市新罗区第二中学2018-2019学年八年级下学期期中英语试卷(无听力题 学生版+解析版)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:83次 大小:115538Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    福建省龙岩市新罗区第二中学2018-2019学年八年级下学期期中 英语试卷 I.听力部分(略) II.单项选择。 1.--Do you see there is empty basket on the floor over there? --Yes. Do I need to take it to kitchen? A. a; the B. an; a C. an; the 2.--Does Japan lie the northeast of Asia(亚洲)? --Yes, and it's also the east of China. A. on; to B. in;to C. in;on 3.--When will you arrive in Shandong? --I will call you I arrive there. A. as soon as B. while C. until 4.-- is it from here? --It's about five minutes' walk. A. How long, B. How often C. How far 5.--Would you mind if I close the window?-- A. Yes, please B. Of course not C. That's all right 6.--Look at the sign. You can't smoke here, sir. --Sorry, I didn't it. A. have B. notice C. move 7.You should what the teacher says in class instead of the noise outside the classroom. A. take care of B. pay attention to C. stand for 8.--Shall we go to Beijing this summer holiday? -- .It must be interesting. A. You are welcome B. Good idea C. That's all right 9.The bus is people. I'm afraid we have to wait for the next one. A. full of B. fond of C. close to 10. ! There is a large stone in the middle of the road. You must drive carefully. A. Come on B. Look after C. Look out 11.--I'll go to Singapore for my vacation next week. -- . A. Good luck B. I agree C. Have a good trip 12.--What's wrong with Jim? --He was so that he cut himself when he was cooking. A. careful B. careless C. clever 13.This problem is difficult I won't so quickly without your help. A. give it up B. work it out C. put it away 14.--Why is Mary going to put on a play? --Because she wants to money to buy some new clothes and books for the poor children. A. lend B. borrow C. raise 15.--This movie is very wonderful. -- I think the music sounds terrible A. Sounds great B. I disagree with you. C. That's too bad. III.完形填空。阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的三个选项(A、B和C)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Alice worried a lot about her weight(体重).She was a little too heavy,and she ___16___that's all because she ate too much junk food(垃圾食品).When Alice felt ___17___,she loved to eat junk food to make herself feel better.Chocolates and cakes were her favorites.When she felt very full,she ___18___wanted to eat.It was clear that she had no control over both food and bad feelings. Alice's parents were quite worried about Alice.They took ___19___to see a doctor.The doctor didn't think Alice was sick.He just told her some ___20___of developing better self-control(自控). According to the doctor,using ___21___for comfort is not always a bad thing.___22___if the only thing one wants to do is to open his fridge when he is upset,it can be a problem. He asked Alice to try hard to ___23___the habit of eating for comfort.He advised her to do ___24___else to have fun,like talking to someone on the phone or going out with friends when she felt unhappy. Alice felt the doctor's advice was really ___25___.When she left,she was sure she would soon make a change! 16. A. a ... ...

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