
Unit 6 Go With Transportation ! Lesson 35 Future Transportation教案+练习(含答案)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:11次 大小:56294Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 6 Go with transportation Lesson 35 Future transportation 同步练习 1. 平稳的;平坦的;光滑的    ? 2. 允许    ? 3. 形式;形状    ? 4. 在未来    ? 5. 允许某人做某事        ? 6. 花费某人……做某事。        ? 7. 几秒钟    ? 8. 光速    ? 9. 总是,一直    ? 10. 看电视节目        ? 11. 在海上漂浮    ? 12. 想要做某事    ? 13. I don’t know. (同义句转换) I have         . ? 14. He would invent a kind of transportation. (改为否定句) He     invent a kind of transportation. ? 15. What is a transporter like?(同义句转换) What     a transporter     like?? 16. She hopes someone will invent a hoverboard. (改为一般过去时) She     someone     invent a hoverboard. ? 17. The new train runs very fast. (改为感叹句)         the new train runs! ? 18. A hoverboard wouldn’t have     (some)wheels. ? 19. It would go     (real)fast. ? 20. Please allow me     (carry)your bag. ? 21. It took them three hours     (get)to the airport. ? 22. He hopes     (become)a doctor in the future. ? 23. Look! The monkeys are running and jumping     . ? A. at times B. at time C. all the time D. some times 24. It takes us twenty minutes     home. ? A. drive B. driving C. drove D. to drive 25. They     their basketball team will win this match. ? A. hope B. to hope C. hoping D. hoped 26. My mother doesn’t allow me     TV at all. ? A. to watch B. watching C. watched D. watch 27. —Would you like to fly model planes with us this afternoon? —Yes,    . ? A. I like to B. I like doing it C. I would like D. I’d like to 答案和解析 1. smooth 2. allow 3. form 4. in the future 5. allow sb. to do sth.  6. It takes sb. …to do sth.  7. a few seconds 8. speed of light 9. all the time 10. watch TV shows 11. float on the sea 12. would like to do sth. 13. no idea 14. wouldn’t 15. does, look 16. hoped, would 17. How fast 18. any 19. really 20. to carry 21. to get 22. to become 23. C 24. D 25. A 26. A 27. D Unit 6 Go with transportation Lesson 35 Future transportation 本课的教学内容是第六单元的第五课时, 课文讲的是Sam介绍他喜欢的未来交通工具———飞翔器。在授课开始先出示图片并选取课文中的典型句子来教授新单词。之后, 通过练习来巩固本课新单词。然后, 设计速读和细读两个阅读活动来帮助学生完成对课文内容的理解和学习。最后帮助学生完成一篇关于喜欢未来交通工具的英文写作。 【知识与能力目标】 1. 记忆单词smooth, allow, form短语travel at the speed of light, all the time等。 2. 让学生了解更多未来的交通工具。 【过程与方法目标】 Reading and speaking 【情感态度价值观目标】 鼓励学生充分发挥想像力, 用英语表达自己的想法, 展现自己的风采。 【教学重点】 重点句子: A transporter would send you from one place to another very, very quickly. But with a transporter, it would take just a few seconds. In these shows, people use new forms of transportation all the time. 【教学难点】 掌握词汇smooth, allow, form, 接触词汇Sam, hoverboard, float, transporter, 学习短语travel at the speed of light, all the t ... ...

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