

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:44次 大小:22029Byte 来源:二一课件通
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"一体化"办学体(联片)兰州外国语学校 兰州八中 兰州五十六中 兰州五十三中 2018-2019学年第二学期期末联考 七年级英语学科 试题 命题学校:兰州外国语学校 命题人: 审核人: 第I卷(共55分) I.单项选择(共10分) (?? )1.—Is that _____ elephant? —Yes. And _____ elephant is 3 years old. A. a; the ? ? ? ? ??B. an; an???? C. a; an ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?D. an; the? (? )2. —_____ is it from your home to the clothes store? —Three kilometers. A. How far? ??????B. How long????? C. How much??? D. How old (?? )3. Tom, you can’t put your things everywhere. _____ your room _____. A. Feel; tidy?? ????? B. Keep; tidy??? C. Feel; well ? ? ? ?D. Keep; well (?? )4.—Is Dave playing volleyball outside now? —_____. He’s playing basketball.? A. Yes, he is ? ? ?B. No, he isn’t???? C. Yes, he does???? ???? D. No, he doesn’t?? (?? ?)5. Rick, are you having a great time _____ in the pool? A.to swimming?? ??????B. swimming? C. to swim ? ? ? ? D. swim? (??? )6.Laura _____ a nice pencil box and _____ four pens in it. A. has; there is???? ???? B. has; there are?? C. have; there is???? ?? D. have; there are? (? )7.—_____? —She’d like ice-cream with strawberries. A. How is the fruit ice-cream?? B. How much is the ice-cream C. What size ice-cream would she like??????? D. What kind of ice-cream would she like (??? )8.—_____? —He’s heavy and has short curly hair. A. What does Joe do?? ????? ?B. What does Joe like C. What is Joe doing????? D. What does Joe look like (? )9.选出下句中划线部分的正确读音。 They played basketball with some teachers after school last Friday. /t/ B. /It/ C./d/ D./Id/ ( )10.—Linda,thanks a lot. —_____. A. No problem ? ? B. Not much?? C. That’s right??? ?????? D. I’d love to II. 完型填空 (共10小题; 每小题1. 5分, 满分15分) Last weekend, we had an excellent school trip. We visited a 11 . When (当……时) we arrived there, some farmers 12 ?us and showed us around the farm. It was really a ?13 ?farm! We spent a long time visiting it. “On our farm, we keep (饲养) animals and ?14? ?fruit trees,” the farmers told us. They also talked a lot ?15 ?farming with us. Then, we did some ??16 ?things. Tom likes horses, ??17?? he rode a horse. I ??18? ?the chickens because I thought the chickens were cute. Alice milked a cow. She said the ??19 ?had the same color as (和……一样的) tofu. ?20? ?thought everything on the farm was very interesting. We want to visit it again. (? )11. A. town ? ? ? ? ? B. hotel?? C. park????????????????? ????D. farm (? )12. A. thanked??????? B. welcomed?? C. taught ? ? ? ? ? ? ?D. joined (? )13. A. big?????????????? B. small? C. clean ? ? ? ? ? ? ?D. dirty (? )14. A. cut ? ? ? ? ? ? B. sell???? C. grow ? ? ? ? ? ? ?D. brush (? )15. A. at???????????????? B. about? C. from???????????????? ?????D. for (? )16. A. interesting???? B. boring C. hard????????????????? ?????D. easy (? )17. A. if ? ? ? ? ? ? ? B. because C. so???????????????????? ????D. but (? )18. A. killed?????????? B. left?????????????????? ? C. ordered ? ? ? ? ?? D. fed (? )19. A. ... ...

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