
2020秋北师大版英语必修五课件:Unit 13 people(完整共10份)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:33次 大小:46759314Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) People Unit 13 单元知识回顾———默写练习(五) Ⅰ.单元知识回顾 (共40小题;每题1.5分,满分60分) 1.与draw有关的短语 (1)拟定,起草;(车辆)到达某处停下 _____ (2)收回;后退;取消 _____ (3)临近;靠近 _____ 2.与come有关的短语 (1)想出;提出;赶上 _____ (2)发生,产生 _____ (3)偶遇 _____ (4)出版;开花;出现 _____ (5)共计,达到 _____ (6)升起;被提出;发生 _____ 查看答案 draw up draw back draw near come up with come about come across come out come to come up 3.与satisfaction有关的短语 (1)令某人感到满意的是 _____ (2)满意地 _____ 4.与give有关的短语 (1)放弃 _____ (2)赠送;分发;泄露 _____ (3)屈服 _____ (4)分发;用完,耗尽 _____ (5)放出;散发出(气味等) _____ 查看答案 to sb. ’s satisfaction with satisfaction give up give away give in give out give off 5.与glance有关的短语 (1)扫视……;浏览 _____ (2)浏览;粗略地看 _____ (3)乍一看,乍看之下 _____ (4)匆匆看一眼 _____ 6.集中注意力于 _____ 7.另一方面 _____ 8.从……方面 _____ 9.对……作出反应 _____ 10.把……从……分开 _____ 查看答案 glance at glance down/over/through at first glance take/have a glance at concentrate on on the other hand in terms of react to separate...from... 11.躲避……不受……的伤害 _____ 12.拾起,捡起 _____ 13.以做……而告终 _____ 14.迷路;迷失方向 _____ 15.处理 _____ 16.有……的天赋 _____ 17.关心,在乎 _____ 18.做决定 _____ 19.怒视某人 _____ 20.把……落在后面 _____ 查看答案 shelter...from... pick up end up doing sth. lose one’s way deal with have a gift for care about make a decision glare at sb. leave...behind 21.弄清楚 _____ 22.指的是 _____ 23.注意…… _____ 查看答案 figure out refer to pay attention to... Ⅱ.完成句子(共5小题;每题4分,满分20分) 24.That region has plenty of natural resources . 那个地区自然资源丰富,而这个地区一点也没有。 25. he got to know the wise and generous person. 是在那个村里他认识了那个聪明而慷慨的人。 26.What the woman wanted was . 这个女人想要的不是很多的钱,而是平静的生活。 查看答案 while this one has none It was in that village that not a lot of money,but a peaceful life 27.The whole family are living in a big house . 全家人住在好心的村民建造的大房子里。 28.The little girl, ,walked to open the big box. 这个小女孩受好奇心驱使,走过去打开了那个大盒子。 查看答案 built by the kind villagers driven by her curiosity Ⅲ.知识运用于语境(共10小题;每题2分,满分20分) According to Professor Salovey’s academic research,when 29. (predict) someone’s future success,EQ is more important than IQ. People are often mistaken in believing that those with high IQs deserve good grades in study,but there is a 30. (possible) that they will fail because of their low EQs. That is 31. those with higher EQs have strong personality,positive rather than passive attitudes towards study,work and life,thus they are less likely 32. (trouble)by problems and 33. (easy) gain success. One of my classmates, Tom, 查看答案 predicting possibility because to be troubled easily has a high IQ and is gifted in maths,but his EQ is a little ... ...

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