
Unit 1 Friends 同步练习(2份 含答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:52次 大小:78848Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 1 Friends 同步练习 一、单项选择 ( ) 1. I’m so hungry, can I have _____? A. anything eat B. something eating C. anything to eat D. something to eat ( ) 2. There is a big cake. _____ share it. A. May be we can B. We may be C. Maybe we can D. Maybe can we ( ) 3. I’m going to ____ them something about our new school. A. say B. tell C. talk D. speak ( ) 4. --Can I have _____? -- Of course .Here you are. A. some more cakes B. a few food C. quite a few food D. a little eggs ( ) 5. --____ honest boy you are! --Thank you! A. What an B. What C. How an D. What a ( ) 6.--Which word can’t describe (描述)appearance(外貌)? --_____. A. Beautiful B. Helpful C. Pretty D. Good-looking ( ) 7. Millie is very _____, so we all want to make _____ with her. A. friends; friendly B. friendly; friends C. friendly; friendly D. friends; friends ( ) 8. Don’t believe _____ he says. He’s just telling a lie. A. how B. when C. what D. where ( ) 9. To our _____, the great writer Mo Yan will come to our city next week. A. joy B. hope C. work D. wishes ( ) 10. How about going for a walk? _____. A. I would be. B. I like. C. I do. D. Good idea. 二、根据句意及提示完成单词 1. Peter is our monitor and he never tells lies, we all think he is h_____. 2.My friend often shares his _____ (欢乐) with me. 3. We often borrow books and _____(杂志) from our school library. 4. Don’t tell anything to her because she can’t keep s_____ for you. 5. Daniel is a g_____ boy. He is very handsome. 6. Those kinds of books sell well among _____ (teenage). 7. Jacky’s _____ (笑话) often make us laugh happily. 8. I’m very t_____, can I have some juice first? 9. We should _____(信任) our best friends, because they never tell l_____. 10. Nobody taught you how to swim. I think you taught _____ (you) to do it. 三、用所给词 (?http:?/??/?www.xuekewang.com?/??)的适当形式填空 1. Are you _____ (will) to help us with our English? 2. Please tell her_____ (not wake) me u (?http:?/??/?www.xuekewang.com?/??)p this evening. 3. Our teacher made us _____ (stand) in a line. 4. Marx has a good sense of _____ (humorous). He often makes us laugh. 5. Mary is s (?http:?/??/?www.xuekewang.com?/??)weet and she always has _____ (smile) eyes. 6. _____ (be) there interesting films last week? 7. Thanks for _____ (invite) me to your party. 8. Suzhou is one of_____ (popular) cities in China. 9. Do you know his _____ (high)? I think I am taller than him. 10. Tom is _____ (bad) at English in his class. He always gets full marks. 四、根据汉语完成句子 1. 当心!这条路越来越危险。 Look out! The road is becoming _____and_____ _____. 2. Simon is taller than kitty. (同义句转换) Kitty is_____ _____Simon. 3. My English is worse than David’s. (同义句转换) David’s English is _____ _____ _____. 4. Tom is the fattest boy in his class. ( 同义句转换) Nobody else is_____ _____Tom in his class. 5.?它比我原来学校大。 It’s _____ _____ my old school. 五、阅读理解 Peter is eight years old, and he goes to a school near his house. He always goes the ... ...

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