
外研版必修四Module 2 Traffic Jam - Grammar课件(20张)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:85次 大小:190170Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件20张PPT。GrammarImperatives 祈使句的特殊结构1. no + 名词或动名词 用于指示标牌、布告,意为“禁止,不许”。 No parking! No spitting! No litter! No entry! No scribbling on the wall!祈使句祈使句用来表示命令、劝告、请求、禁止。 通常主语you会省去,以原形动词为句首。 Open the door! Stand up! Come here! Hurry up!2. 以 have done 起首 这种结构相当于 stop (doing),有时表示“结束,停止”。 Have done! 住手! Have done running! 跑完了!(不要跑了)3. be + 过去分词 Be seated, please. Be reassured. Be gone!4. be + 现在分词 祈使句也可以有进行式。 Do be sweeping the floor when I come in! 我进来时,(你)一定在擦地板吧!5. do + 祈使句 这种结构表示强调,常译为“务必,一定要”。 Do save us! Do tell me the reason. Do be honest.注意祈使句的主语 祈使句的主语多为不言而喻的 you,一般不出现。但若是要强调主语,或表示急躁、厌烦、不高兴、愤怒等感彩,或表示向谁请求或发出命令,祈使句可有主语,除you外,还可以用不定代词one, someone, somebody, everyone, everybody或名词。 You mind your own business! Away you go! Somebody close the window! One stay here! Anybody don’t stand there. You wait and see.祈使句的否定式 祈使句的否定式一般式在谓语动词前加do not 或don’t(口语中),有时也可用never;若祈使句有主语,否定词don’t或never要置于主语之前,不可用do not。 Do not come in unless asked. Don’t you believe it. Never be late again next time.无动词祈使句 一般来讲,祈使句都要有动词,但是有些用于口号、告示等的祈使句却是没有动词的,虽为只言片语,却简洁明了。 Patience! Danger! After you! Hands up! This side down!Practice 1. -- English has a large vocabulary, hasn’t it? -- Yes. _____ more words and expressions and you will find it easier to read and communicate. A. Know???? ?? B. Knowing??? C. To know?? ?? D. KnownA2. Stand over there _____ you’ll be able to see it better. ? A. or???? B. while?? C. but??? D. and?D3. --I’ve never seen anyone run so fast. -- _____ David go. A. just watch?????? ? B. just to watch? C. just watching?? ? D. just having watchedA 4. -- Don‘t forget to my birthday party tomorrow. ?????-- _____ . A. Yes , I won’t???? ? B. No , I won’t C. No , I will???????? ? D. Yes, I will B5. Be sure to write to us, _____? A. will you?? ?? B. aren’t you? C. can you? ?? D. mustn’t you A6. One more week, _____ we will accomplish the task. ? A. or???? B. so that? ? C. and??? D. if?C7. _____ blood if you can and many lives will be saved. A. Giving?? ?? B. Give?? ?? C. Given? ??? D. To give B8. _____ this book and tell me what you think of it. A. Look through?? ? B. Look on? C. Look into? ?? D. Look upA9. _____ it with me and I’ll see what I can do   A. When left ?? B. Leaving   C. If you leave ?? D. LeaveD ... ...

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