
辽宁省锦州市2018-2019学年七年级下学期期末考试英语试题(图片版 含答案 无听力音频和材料)

日期:2024-05-06 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:49次 大小:3352475Byte 来源:二一课件通
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锦州市2018~2019学年度七年级(下)期末质量检测 英语参考答案及评分标准 I. 听力理解(共20分) (A)共5分, 每小题1分 1—5 BCBBA (B)共5分, 每小题1分 6—10 CBBCA (C)共10分, 每小题2分 11. farms 12. robots 13. Bought 14. By train 15. Interesting/ Exciting 评分标准:本题主要考查学生对听力内容的理解能力,所以无论答案用完整形式还是用简答形式,无论首字母是否大写,无论答语是否有标点,只要意义正确都给满分。 II. 单词读音归类(共5分, 每小题1分) 16—20 skate, face, bank, candle, past III. 情境填空(共5分, 每小题1分) is playing the piano 22. Yes, there is 23. (long) curly hair 24. a bowl of noodles 25. flew a (the) kite IV. 单项选择(共5分, 每小题1分) 26—30 BCCDA V. 完形填空(共10分,每小题1分) 31—35 BCABC 36—40 ADDBC VI. 阅读理解(共10分,每小题1分) A. 41—45 BDBCA B. 46—50 ACDCB VII. 口语交际(共5分, 每小题1分) May I speak to Jane, please?/ Is that Jane (speaking)/ Who’s that speaking What are you doing Where are you from/ Where do you come from What club do you want to join How long does it take (you to get there ) 评分标准:本题具有一定的开放度,如有能够满足试题语境的其它答案,评卷教师应该予以给分。单词拼写、字母大小写、标点符号或语法等错误,每累计2处(含2处)扣1分,扣分总数不超过5分;答案超过5个词的,每累计2处扣1分。 VIII. 短文填空(共10分,每小题1分) 56—60 got, so, helped, with, swimming 61—65 great, my, hours, interesting, at IX. 任务型阅读(共20分, 每小题2分) 66. in the UK 67. ten/ 10 68. blow out 69. a symbol of long life 70. bring good luck to the birthday person 71. Ash Mills is not thin or tall, and he has no strong muscles. The most handsome father in the world. 30 hours. Australia. No, he can’t. 评分标准:本题具有一定的开放度,如有能够满足试题语境的其它答案,评卷教师应该予以给分。单词拼写、字母大小写、标点符号或语法错误,每累计2处(含2处)扣1分,扣分总数不超过10分。 X. 书面表达 (共13分,其中作文10分,书写规范3分) 【评分标准】 一等文:10分。 表达信息全面,句子结构正确,描述内容及字数符合所提要求,文中错误不超过3处。 二等文:7—9分。表达信息基本全面,句子结构基本正确,描述内容及字数基本符合所提要求,文中出现少数错误。 三等文:6分或6分以下。表达信息不太全面,句子结构不太正确,文中错误较多。 ** 注意:书写规范的赋分要求如下: 英语书写非常规范工整,字迹清晰,格式正确,大小写分明,标点符号正确使用, 卷面整洁的3分。 英语书写比较规范工整,字迹清晰,格式正确,大小写分明,标点符号正确使用, 卷面比较整洁的2分。 英语书写不太规范工整,字迹清晰,格式正确,大小写分明,标点符号正确使用, 卷面整洁的1分。 英语书写不规范,字迹不清晰,格式不正确,大小写不分明,标点符号不能正确 使用,卷面不整洁的不给分。 【参考范文】 I have a new friend. His name is Mike. He is from New York. He is 13 years old now. He studies in Green Middle School. He is of medium height and he is a little thin. He has a round face with big eyes. He has short curly blond hair. He likes reading and playing basketball. He also likes singing. He is a good boy. He often helps others. He tells me he wants to be a singer. He thinks it’s an interesting job. This is my friend. 附:教师在阅卷过程中 ... ...

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