
Unit 8 When is your birthday? 8.1 Section A(同步课件)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:26次 大小:2004839Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件16张PPT。When is your birthday?人教版《英语》七年级上册 unit 8 Section A授课:Janice 慕 课 联 盟 课 程 开 发 中 心 www.moocun.com[慕联教育同步课程] 课程编号:TS1507010203R710801YJJ慕课联盟课程开发中心 www.moocun.com1.学习日期. 2.学习when引导的特殊疑问句. 3.掌握language points.Learning Goals Let’s sing a birthday song! January February March AprilMayJune There are 12 months in a year. Do you know them?知识一: July August September October November December Months一月 January Jan. 二月 February Feb. 三月 March Mar. 四月 April Apr. 五月 May May. 六月 June Jun. 七月 July Jul. 八月 August Aug. 九月 September Sep. 十月 October Oct. 十一月 November Nov. 十二月 December Dec. first (1st) second (2nd) third (3rd) fourth (4th) fifth(5th)sixth (6th) seventh(7th) eighth(8th) ninth(9th) tenth(10th)基数词转换成序数词one two three four fivesix seven eight nine ten A: When is your birthday, Linda? B: My birthday is on October 2nd.A: When is your birthday, Mary ? B: It’s on January 5th.知识二When is your birthday, …? It’s on…/ My birthday is on… My birthday is on March 1st.When is your birthday, Mary? Her birthday is on May 2nd.When is your sister's birthday? 知识三:language points1.When is your birthday,Lina?(P43) when是疑问副词,“什么时候,何时”,基本结构“When+be/助动词+主语+动词(+其他)。 e.g.—When is the sports meeting? —When do you watch TV? 拓展:what time“几点钟;什么时候”仅用来具体时刻。 —What time do you eat breakfast? —I eat breakfast at 7:00. 2.My birthday is on May 2nd.(P43) 表示年、月、日时,常用“月+日,年”,年份前一定加逗号。年份用基数词表示;月份为专有名词,首字母大写;日期一般是序数词(也可以写出基数词,但必须读作序数词)。 11月3日 November 3rd/ November3 2015年7月4日 July 4th,2015/ July4,2015 表时间onatin表示具体的某一天或者某一天上午、中午或晚上 on July 3rd,2015 on the evening of May 1st 在某年、某月或者某日的上午、中午或晚上 in July; in the afternoon具体时刻 at 8:00 3.Happy birthday!(P44) 一般用"Thank you" 或相近的短语来回答。 直击中考 —Hi,Tim. ! —The same to you.(2012南平) A.Congratulations B.Happy New Year C.Happy birthday 4.—How old are you? —I’m fifteen. how old意为“多大年纪;几岁”,常用于询问 年龄。回答时可以直接用基数词表示,也可以 用“基数词 + year (s) old”表示。 小结1.学习日期. 2.掌握When引导的特殊疑问句. 3.掌握language points.

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