
选修模块8 Unit 24 Society Lesson 1 Consumer Society 课件(27张ppt)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:18次 大小:516716Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件27张PPT。Lesson 1 Consumer SocietyLanguage Points 1. deposit 2. currency 3. complicated 4. possession 5. resistance 6. 签名 7.各种各样的 8. 积累 9. 重担、负担 10. 未住人的、空置的 11. 陷入、被困在 12. 希望… 13. 认真对待… 14. 除了… 15. 形成Dictation1. deposit 存储、储蓄 2. currency 货币 3. complicated 复杂的 4. possession 财富、所有物 5. resistance 反抗、抵制 6. 签名 signature 7.各种各样的 diverse 8. 积累 accumulate 9. 重担、负担 burden 10. 未住人的、空置的 vacant 11. 陷入、被困在 be trapped in 12. 希望… in the hope that 13. 认真对待… take…seriously 14. 除了… apart from 15. 形成 come into being1. deposit 存储、储蓄 2. currency 货币 3. complicated 复杂的 4. possession 财富、所有物 5. resistance 反抗、抵制 6. 签名 signature 7.各种各样的 diverse 8. 积累 accumulate 9. 重担、负担 burden 10. 未住人的、空置的 vacant context1. Sometimes we try to deposit a little or change our money into different countries’ currencies in the hope that we can make even more money.2. Thus, the circle goes round and round and gets more and more complicated.3. In this spending circle, on the one hand, we accumulate possessions but never feel like we have enough.4. …but there is a growing resistance to this consumer society which is especially affecting the youth of today with…存储货币复杂的财富抵制 Words1. deposit vt.&vi.存储,储蓄; n.存款;定金;押金 deposit...in/into 把……放在/存入…… pay a deposit 付押金1)For the sake of safety,you’d better deposit the money in a bank.为安全起见,你最好把钱存在银行里。2)You must pay a deposit if you book a room.你要预订房间,就得先付押金。2. accumulate v. 积累;堆积 accumulation n. 积累;堆积 1)小黄似乎比其他学生积累了更多的词汇。Xiao Huang seems to have accumulated much more vocabulary than other students in our class.易混辨析accumulate,collect,gather (1)accumulate 着重强调量的“堆积、积累”。 (2)collect 指有计划的、有条理的“搜集”。 (3)gather 通常指把分散的人或物“聚集”在一起。2)用accumulate,collect,gather的正确形式填空 (1)People around,curious to know what was happening. (2)In the past years,the professor has a lot of facts about this disease. (3)Not only do I important experience for job,but also I realize what I want to be in the future.gatheredcollectedaccumulate3. burden n.重担,负担;v.负重;(使)负担 be a burden to sb. 对某人来说是负担 burden sb./oneself with sth.加负担于某人/自己(Ex1.用适当的介、冠词填空 ①Don’t burden yourself unnecessary problems. ②I don’t want to become burden to my children when I’m old.witha4.vacant adj.未占用的,空置的;(职位)空缺的;(目光、表情等)茫然的 Eg. a vacant seat a vacant position/post(1) 那里有个空位,我们可以在那儿停车。There is a vacant place over there where we can park our car.(2)这家旅馆有空房吗?Are there any vacant rooms in this hotel?空位空缺职位易混辨析vacant,empty (1)vacant作“空着的”讲时,多指房屋、设备等未被使用、无人占用。 (2)empty作“空的”讲时,则表示空无一人、空无一物等,即with nothing in it。Ex. 用vacant,empty填空 (1)The house has been for about ... ...

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