
选修模块8 Unit 24 Society Lesson 1 Consumer Society课件(30张ppt)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:64次 大小:4426837Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件30张PPT。Unit 24 SocietyLesson 1 Consumer SocietyAt the end of the class, you are expected to: Know about what a consumer society is. Learn the consumption pattern and the structure of the article . Use some of the words and expressions we learned today to talk about the consumer society.ObjectivesWhat are they doing?Listen to a song and discuss:can we buy everything?What are most people working hard for?Spend all of them ? Spend more than you have (such as borrowing money from credit card )? Deposit (save it the bank) most of it?When you earn more, what will you do?what do you think of shopping? How do you feel when you are shopping? Does shopping bring happiness to people? What is wrong with shopping these days?In the consumer society, people are working hard to earn more money. When we earn more, we spend more. Because we spend more, we work even harder.Spending circleRead fast Match the paragraphs with the main ideasparagraph 1 paragraph 2 paragraph 3 paragraph 4It’s time to take the issues more seriously What is a spending circle A growing resistance to this consumer society The result of a spending circleCareful reading1.What is the spending circle of “consumer society”?(para1) Purpose: spendingWe have to hand over most of the money we earn to pay for…us 2 What does the spending circle bring to us? (para2) Not increased happiness, but stress and less free time to be ourselves and enjoy being with our friends and families.3.With their life being better off, what more do young people want?(para3) Computers, i-pods, designer clothes and mobile phones.People share work.4.What do trade unions suggest to reduce unemployment?(para3)5. What does the author advise us to do in the last paragraph to solve the problem of consumer society?Advertise is more controlled especially adverting aimed at children and we ought to visit the shops less and worry less about image.1. Why do people change their money into different countries' currencies?A.They hope to make even more money. B.They hope to buy goods in lower prices. C.They hope to live easily and happily. D.They hope to go abroad in a simple way.Read the text carefully and choose the best answers 2.Which of the following is NOT right?A.In order to earn more money, we work hard. B.The more money we have,the less we spend. C.When we spend more,we have to work even harder. D.The more money we earn, the more tax we have to pay.3.Why do they consider the bigger and better cars as a burden?A.They must pay more money for them. B.The cars use too much water. C.There is no place to park them. D.They had no time to drive them.4.What do the protest groups insist?A.Some of our money should be given to the children. B.Some of our money should be given to the students. C.Some of our money should be given to the third world. D.Some of our money should be given to the consumers.Many people are _____ in a spending circle. They work hard so that they can earn _____ money. When they have m ... ...

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