
Module 2 My home town and my country Module task:Making a report comparing two places in your home t

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:49次 大小:2047844Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件26张PPT。Welcome!Module task: Making a report comparing two places in your home town.Module 2 My home town and my countryThe pencil is long.This ruler is_____it.longer thanSpeak it out! 一分钟竞赛: 看谁说得又快又准!The apple is small.This orange is_____the apple.smaller thanLiu Xiang is tall.Yao Ming is_____him.taller thanLondon is old.Beijing is_____London.older thanEnglandThe people there speak English. It is part of an island, and it's near the sea. It is famous for Big Ben, Buckingham Palace and Tower Bridge.Guessing Game: Where is it?ChinaIt's a 5000-year-old country. The people speak chinese. It is famous for the Great Wall and Tian'anmen Square.Guessing Game: Where is it?ShenzhenIt was a small village thirty years ago. It is near Hong Kong. It is famous for the Window of the World and Happy Valley.Guessing Game: Where is it?Look at the map in and complete the sentences.Shenzhen is _____ of Guangdong Province. It is _____ near Hong Kong.in the southHuizhou is _____of Guangdong Province. It is on the coast _____Shenzhen _____ Shanwei.on the coastin the southbetweenandLocationLook at the map in and complete the sentences.Huizhou is _____ and _____ than Shenzhen.much biggerSize & historyolder适当添加副词,让句子更加精彩The _____ of Huizhou is _____ _____.populationThe population of Shenzhen is _____ 11 million.Huizhou has a _____ population than Shenzhen.smaller475.55万人口overmore than4 millionPopulation写作时,多变换同义词汇。places of interest 风景名胜West LakeHonghua LakeMount LuofuXunliao BayHuizhou is _____its places of interest. Such as _____ , _____, _____and _____especially famous forWest LakeHonghua LakeMount LuofuXunliao Bay适当添加关联词,让句子更加精彩Activitiesgo boatingride a bikego swimming、 taste seafoodclimbIt is _____ to relax ourselves by _____ _____. If you don't like the water activity, what about _____ _____? I'm sure you will like it.a goo ideaswimming in the Xunliao Baygoing climbing the Mount Luofu多使用提建议句型,学以致用The weather in Huizhou is _____ _____ or _____. So come to see Huizhou _____. You will fall in love with it.never too hot in summertoo cold in winterany time of a year多熟悉课本,摘抄背诵精彩文段,让课本的精彩文段变成自己的笔下的精彩文段。Huizhou......large / bigsouthcoldnorth smalloldhotneweastwest......smallbigMind map(思维导图)locationsizehistorypopulationplaces of interestactivitiesweather写作前,运用思维导图分析话题,理清写作方向Hello, boys and girls! I am now in Shenzhen,and I am going to take a trip to Huizhou this weekend. Can you tell me something about Huizhou? Welcome Xidada惠州正在争创全国文明城市,构建和谐惠州。习主席现在在深圳,准备周末来参观惠州,在那之前想了解下惠州。请根据内容提示用英语写一封信,对比深圳简要地介绍惠州,不少于70词。 1.惠州的地理位置(广东南部)。 2.惠州比较著名的值得游玩的地方(至少2-3个地方)。 3.惠州的气候如何。Writing practiceDear President Xi, I’m glad to hear that you are coming to visit Huizhou. Let me tell you something about Huizhou._____ beginningb ... ...

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