

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:41次 大小:18950Byte 来源:二一课件通
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完形填空 哈尔滨 二、完形填空(本题共10分,每小题1分) The summer vacation is coming. During the vacation, you can do what you like and prepare yourself for the future. You'll enjoy this period of time to the fullest with the help of the following __21__. Take exercise. After working hard for months, you must be bored. Taking exercise is the best way to get __22__ again. Swimming and walking are perfect choices for you. All kinds of exercise __23__ your health. Master some basic life skills. You will live an __24__ life one day. Therefore, you should learn some necessary and useful skills such as washing clothes and cooking. At the same time, you can help your parents __25__ housework to express your thanks to them. Go?travelling.?The?world?is?a?book.?Those?who?don't?travel?only?read?one?page.?Travelling?is?so __26__.?Have?you?made?your own?travel?plan??If?not,?do?it?__27__! During?the?trip,?you?will have?a?chance to?learn?more?knowledge. While learning about different cultures?and customs. You?will?also?make?a?lot of?friend. Enjoy?time?with?family?members.?Family?members?play?an?important?role?in? your?life.?They?give you?love, care?and?support?all?the?time.?Don’t?__28__?to?spare some?time?to?get?together?with?them.?You?will find __29__?great?to?stay?with?them, talking?about dreams,?hobbies?or?anything?you?like. __30__?you?follow?what?is?mentioned?above,?you?will?have?a?wonderful vacation. 答案:21—25 ACBCB ( )21.?A. suggestions B.?classes C. teams 解析:结合上下文可推知,此处指“在下面建议的帮助下,你可以把这段时间享受到极致”。 suggestion意为“建议”,是可数名词,class意为“班级”,team意为“团队”。 ( )22.?A. danger B. money C.?energy 解析:结合语境可知,此处指锻炼是获得能量的最好的方式。danger意为“危险”,money意为“金钱”,energy意为“能量”. ( )23. A.?are?good?at B.?are?good?for C.?are?good?with 解析:结合上文可推知,此处指锻炼对你的健康有好处。be good at意为“擅长……”,be good for意为“对……有好处”,be good with意为“善于应对……”。 ( )24. A.?asleep B.?impolite C.?independent 解析:结合本段内容可推知,学习一些基本的生活技能,是为了有一天能够独立生活。asleep意为“睡着的”,impolite意为“不礼貌的”,independent意为“独立的”。 ( )25.?A.?for B.?with C.?to 解析:短语help sb. with sth.意为“在某方面帮助某人”。 答案:26—30 CBAAC ( )26.?A. terrible B.?useless C.?interesting 解析:结合本段内容可推知,旅行是非常有趣的。terrible意为“糟糕的”,useless意为“无用的”,interesting意为“有趣的”。 ( )27.?A.?so?far B.?at?once C.?no?longer 解析:此处指如果没做过,那么立刻去做。so far意为“到目前为止”,at once意为“立刻”,no longer意为“不再”。 ( )28.?A.?forget B.?to?forget C?forgetting 解析:祈使句结构“Don’t +动词原形”意为“不要做某事”。 ( )29.?A.?it B. one C.?that 解析:短语“find+it+adj.+to do sth.”意为“发现做某事……”,it在其中作形式宾语,to do作真正的宾语。 ( )30.?A.?Though B.?Even?if C.?As?long?as 解析:此处指只要你遵守上面提到的(建议),你就会由一个美好的假期。though意为“尽管”,even if意为“即使”,as long as意为“只要”。 绥化 ... ...

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