
Unit 5 Our new home Story time 教案

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:94次 大小:5682Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit5 Our new home (The first period) Teaching contents: Story time (第一课时) Teaching aims and demands: 1、能够正确读背单词“bedroom, living room, bathroom,home, sofa, come, kitchen,”并理解单词的意思。 2、能听、说、读句子会运用所学句型:“Where’s …? It’s …” “Where are…? They’re …” 3.帮助学生理解整篇文章。 Main points and difficulties: 1.Drills: Where is…? It’s … ????? Where are…? They’re … 2. Words: bedroom, living room, bathroom,home, sofa, come, kitchen 3. help Ss understand the whole passage. Teaching steps: Step1 Greeting & Warm up 1.Greeting T: Good morning, boys and girls. S: Good morning, Miss Xu. 2. Show the goals of this lesson. 3. Boom game (review the words and help Ss distinguish the single form and plural form) 4.Sing a song Let’s sing a song.? “Where is the bird? “ Draw forth the new lesson Step2 Presentation 1. Ask and answer T: Now boys and girls, after listening to the song can you tell me: where is the bird? S: It’s in the tree. T: Where are her friends? S: They are in the tree. T:Look! The birds are flying away. Do you want to know where are they now? Ss: Yes! T: Whose home? S: Su Hai and Su Yang’s home. T:Do you want to visit their home? How can u say? Ss: Can I have a look? Su Hai and Su Yang: Sure. Come and look. ( Teach “bedroom, living room, bathroom,sofa”) 2. Watch and tick: What are they looking for? They are looking for their (bag, skirts, cap)… 3. Read and find ? ?a.自读story time,找出相应的物品在哪里? ?? b.把关键的句子划出来,读一读。 4. retell the story??? 5. Listen to the tape and read after it.? (?注意模仿其语音语调。) 6. Read in three.?? (分角色朗读对话。) 7. Act the dialogue.??(小组表演展示对话。) Step 3? Consolidation 1. Summary a. 这节课我们掌握了三个表示房间的词,它们是 b.当你想知道某件物品在哪里,可以问: ?? 当你想知道某些物品在哪里,可以问: c.当你想邀请别人过来看看,你可以说: 2. Make dialogues ?? T: Make dialogues with partners according to the pictures. ???? A: Look at this bedroom. B: It’s messy.(凌乱的) A: Where is the …? B: It’s … A: Where are the …? B: They’re … Step 4. Homework 1.Copy the new words. 2.recite the story time. Words on the blackboard: ? ???? ?Unit 5 Our new home A: Where is /Where are…???????? B: It’s/They are … A: Is it in …??????????? ????????B: Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. ??????????????????? ????????????bag?????????????? bedroom Su Yang?????????????? white cap????????????? kitchen Su Hai?????????????????? skirts????????????? living room 教学反思:本课是Where 句型的教授,3B中已经出现过Where的句型,所以在本课中,我先是结合了之前学过的教材,利用小鸟以及3B unit4中的歌曲引出本课所要新授的知识,让小朋友们听歌曲回答Where is the bird?where are her friends?来让学生区分where is 和where are 的区别, 然后再逐渐呈现单词:bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, living room等,孩子们兴趣不错,然后再讨论story time,通过两个问题,让学生更好地理解文章,帮助学生梳理了文章的思路,巩固部分对本课的两个重点句型进行了操练。 ... ...

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