
人教版初中英语七年级上Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball? Section B(1a-1d)课件+音视频(46张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:30次 大小:61008778Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件46张PPT。Unit 5Do you have a soccer ball? Section B (1a-1d)Competition(小组竞赛) Prize(奖品):No homework!The faster,the better!!! Soccer, soccer. Let’s play . Well, sorry, I have a soccer ball. Volleyball, volleyball.Let’s . Well, sorry, I don’t have . Baseball, baseball. . Well, sorry, I don’t have a baseball. Tennis, tennis. . OK, OK, that sounds great. A chant!soccerdon’tplay volleyballa volleyballLet’s play baseball Let’s play tennisI think it is so ! difficult easy It's .It's not . It's .easyIt's .difficultdifficulta little difficult very difficult It's . It's . relaxing It's . relaxingIt is funny. (好笑的)funny (好笑的)fun (好玩)This movie is .funny (好笑的)fun (好玩的)This movie is .This looks like .Peppa loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles. funCollecting sticks is . funfunnyfuna jobboringWorking is boring.She thinks... Waiting is . boringThis magazine is . It's all about . interesting potatoesan houseinteresting规则:每组选 一名同学自由选择一张图片,小组同学完成图片后的任务。如能完成加一颗★ They singing to the song. This looks like . have fun funinteresting It's kind of .( 有点儿 )He is so .funny (好笑的)fun (好玩)a joke an book interestingfunnyboringNo space again.It's .You are so lucky!interestingdifficultboringfunI think baseball is boring.boringI think soccer is interesting.I think soccer is boring.I think basketball is relaxing. I think tennis is interesting. I think volleyball is difficult. I think baseball is fun. Read and match.1aabcde1. interesting __ 2. boring __ 3. fun __ 4. difficult __ 5. relaxing __acdebListen and check (√).1babcde1. interesting __ 2. boring __ 3. fun __ 4. difficult __ 5. relaxing __√√√√What activities are they talking about?√√√√√Jenny: Let’s play computer games ! Paul: That sounds _____, Jenny: Then let’s play volleyball. Paul: Oh, volleyball is so _____... Jenny: OK, let’s watch TV. Paul: That sounds _____. Jenny: Let’s play basketball ! Paul: That sounds _____ !interestingdifficultboringfunListen and fill in the blanks. 1. interesting 2. boring 3. fun 4. difficult 5. relaxing Hi, Paul! Jenny, but I don’t have a computer. Jenny: Well, do you have a volleyball ? Paul: Yes. Hmm…Let’s play soccer ! Do you have a soccer ball ? Jenny: No, I don’t. Paul: Oh. Well, do you have a basketball ?Yes, I do. play computer games _____ play volleyball _____ watch TV _____ play basketball _____interestingdifficultboringfunLet sb. + V原 sound“三单”sounds1cinterestingdifficultboringfunThat sounds1dSTORY TIMERole play I am so bored. That sounds fun. But I'm working.Let's...Let's ... I am cold and hungry. It's cold outside. Please come in. Thank you. Role play Work while you work, play while you play. No pain, no gain! A friend in need is a friend indeed!What can you learn from this story?interesting fun difficult boring relaxingplay computer games play volleyball watch TV play basketballLet’s + V原 That sounds … .01单词04 Summary Doing sports makes us healthy !Doing sports makes ... ...

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