
Unit 10 Mocky's store 同步练习 (6份 无答案)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:87次 大小:78661Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit10 Mocky’s Store Lesson3 根据意思写单词。 帽子_____ 2、闹钟_____ 故事书_____ 4、手表_____ 5、雨伞_____ 连词成句。 I you can help(?) _____ are hats these new(.) _____ a I clock want(.) _____ blue have Can the I please one (,)(?) _____ 5、are Here you (.) _____ 三、写出下列单词的反义词。 1、new_____ 2、long_____ Unit10 Mocky’s Store Lesson2 Can I have the blue one,please? 选出每组单词中不同类的一个。 ( ) 1 A hat B sell C want ( ) 2 A clock B long C store ( ) 3 A new Bold C whose ( ) 4 A long Bblue Cshort ( ) 5 A sing B making Cplaying 二、选择. 1、Can I __you ? A.helps B.help C.helping 2、I want a camera.Do you have___? A.ones B.a C.one 3、I’m ____ things. A.sell B.sells C.selling 4、They are ___ things. A.me B.my C.them 5、I__ help pandas. A.want B.want to C.wants 三、写出下列单词的反义词。 1、new_____ 2、long_____ Unit10 Mocky’s Store Lesson4 根据汉语写单词。 故事书_____ 2.足球_____ 包_____ 4.新的_____ 旧的_____ 翻译下列句子。 我有一个新手表。_____ 我有一个旧的雨伞。_____ 我有一本故事书。_____ 我有一个大的钟表。_____ 我有一个新的足球。_____ 选词填空。 have has Can I ___the green hat,please? I___ a camera. She ____ a blue cap. He _____ a pencil. Does your sister _____a new watch? Unit10 Mocky’s Store Lesson5 找出下列每组单词中发音不同的一项。 ( ) 1 A jeep B jump C queen ( ) 2 A quilt B question C jacket ( ) 3 A farm Bart C heart ( ) 4 A tree Bpeach Cpencil ( ) 5 A get B leg Csad 二、选择正确的选项,补全下列对话. A:_____ B:Good morning !_____ A:I want a clock.Do you have one? B:_____These are clocks. A:_____ B:Here you are. A:_____ ____2._____3._____4._____5._____ Yes,I do. Thank you. Good morning. Can I help you ? Can I have the blue one,please? Unit10 Mocky’s Store Lesson6 选择合适的句子补全对话。 A:Good morning,Bobby. B:_____ A:_____ B:I want a camera._____ A:Yes,I do.I have this camera. B:That’s great!Can I have it? A:_____ B:_____ ____2._____3._____4._____5._____ Here you are. Good morning,Mocky. Can I help you ? Do you have one? Thank you. 二、英汉互译。 1.I’m the Queen of the sea._____ 2.回家_____ 3.你想要什么?_____ 4.让我走。_____ Unit10 Mocky’s Store Lesson1 Can I help you? 一、补全单词。 ( ) 1 th __m (他们) A a B e C o ( ) 2 cl ___k (闹钟) A a B o C e ( ) 3 h _ t (帽子) A e B a C i ( ) 4 gr_t (太棒了) A ea B ee C e ( ) 5 w_ tch (手表 ) A a B e C i 二、选择正确答语。 1.Do you have a hat? 2.Do you like them? 3.Can I help you ? 4.What are you doing ? 5.Where are you from? A.I’m from the UK. B.I’m selling things . C.I like the red one. D.Yes ,I do. E.I want a pecil. 三、翻译。 1、给你。_____ 2、一个旧的_____

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