
外研版选修八Module 1 Deep South - Reading and vocabulary课件(36张ppt)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:100次 大小:1161412Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件36张PPT。Reading and VocabularyModule 1 Deep SouthNorth Polar BearNorth Polar BearIntroductionPenguinsAre there penguins in the North Pole or the South Pole? The South Poles1. has no land. 2. has more ice. 3. has polar bears. 4. has penguins. The North PoleThe South PoleThe North PoleThe South Pole5. has the longest period of total darkness. 6. has no inhabitants. 7. was reach first by explorers. 8. is protected by an international agreement. The South PoleThe South PoleThe South PoleThe North PoleDo you know when the Chinese arrived at the South Pole for the first time ? How many times have the Chinese scientists have been to the South Pole? 中国第24次南极科学考察队2007年11月12日从中国极地考察国内基地码头启程,乘坐改装一新的“雪龙”号极地科学考察船,奔赴南极,执行中国 2007-2008年度科学考察和后勤保障任务。 中国第24次南极科考队员在黑龙江亚布力进行集训时的情形Word previewAntarctica annual rainfall state depth gravity inhospitable extreme flowern.南极洲 adj.每年的 n.降水量,降雨量 n.状态,状况 n.深度 n.重力,地心引力 adj.不宜居住的 adj.极端的,极度的 v.开花moss algae lichen adapt to trap meteorite extraterrestrial mass balancen.藓,苔藓 n.藻类(植物) n.地衣 (使)适应 v.储存,留存 n.陨石 adj.地球外的 n.块,堆,团 v.使平衡exploration set foot on rivalry treaty commercial nuclear test radioactive promoten.勘查 进入,到达 n.(不断的)竞争 n.条约,公约 adj.商业的 adj.核的,核能的 n.试验 adj.放射性的 v.促进,增进1.a large area of land 2.all of the time 3.the ice covering the North or South Polecontinentpermanentlyice capWords-guessing4.unpleasant or difficult to stay 5.an area without a clear shape 6.an area of protected land 7.being in competitionmassinhospitablereserverivalryComplete the sentences with words in the box.1.The _____of something is the top or outside part of it. 2.If you _____ a place,you hope to discover something there. 3.If you _____ to a new situation,you change.surfaceexploreadapt4.A _____ is a substance that is formed naturally in the earth. 5.A _____ is a special written agreement between different place. 6._____ is a force which makes things fall to earth. 7._____ is a force which makes things fall to earth. mineraltreatyRainfallGravity8. If you _____ something or someone, they can’t move. 9. _____ energy comes from the centre of an atom. 10. _____ means how deep something is. 11. _____ refers to a dangerous form of nuclear energy.trapNuclearDepthRadioactiveA great place for researchersPara 1Para 2Plants and animals Para 3Para 4Para 5The Antarctic Treaty The discovery of Antarctica The landFast reading1Antarctica is an inhospitable place to live in because it is the coldest and the driest continent on earth and is permanently covered with ice. As a result of its extreme conditions, only few types of plants can survive there, but it is full of wildlife. Antarctic ice and rocks can give researchers lots of useful information. Antarctica was the last continent to be discovered and Carstens Borchgrevink was the first man to s ... ...

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