
Unit 3 My friends PB Let’s talk 课件(31张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:17次 大小:2375828Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件31张PPT。PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit Three My Friends B Let’s talk.Can you read?(你会读吗?) tall and strong short and thin long quiet friend friendlyA boy or girl ? Guess或者Long or short ? GuessGuessStrong or thin? Tall or short? (还是) GuessTall or short? (还是) Long hair or short hair ?Guess Long hair or short hair ?Let’s sing.(咱们来唱歌。) Hello!What’s his name? His name is John. Hello!Who is he? He is John. What's his name ?Right,right,you are right!对了,对了,你对了!What's her name ?Right,right,you are right!What's his name ?Right,right,you are right!What's her name ?Right,right,you are right!Is he tall and strong ? tall and strong Yes, he is. Right,right,you are right!Is he Mr Jones ? Yes, he is. Right,right,you are right!glasses返回She has _____, and her ____ is _____.long hairhairorange She has_____,and her_____ are _____.shoesshoesgreenshoe-shoesCan you find out the differences? (你能找出两幅图的不同之处吗?)She has glasses.She has no glasses.Her shoes are red.Her shoes are white.She has a green bag. Her bag is green.He has big eyes. His eyes are big. He has green glasses. His glasses are green.She has long hair. Her hair is long.He /She has…. His/her…is/are….Who’s Mike’s friend? What is he like? 他(麦克的朋友)长得什么样? Questions:Wu Yifan.He’s tall and thin.He has glasses and his shoes are blue. Read the dialogue and finish it. (朗读对话,说出所缺的单词) Mike: Hello,John. I a good friend. John: A boy girl? Mike: boy. He’s . John: is he? Zhang Peng? Mike: No. He and his shoes are . John: Is WuYifan? Mike: Yes. You’re . haveorAtall and thinWhoherighthas glasses blue B Let’s talk Mike : Hi, John. ↘ I have a new friend . ↘ John : A boy ↗ or girl ? ↘ Mike : A boy. ↘ He’s tall↗ and thin . ↘ John : Who is he ? ↘ Zhang Peng ? ↗ Mike : No. ↘ He has glasses and his shoes are blue . ↘ John : Is he Wu Yifan ? ↗ Mike : Yes. ↘ You’re right . ↘The children have a fashion show today.Choose the child you like, make a new dialogue. 用英语描述出这些小孩的身体特征与服饰,做一个新的对话。eg: A: Hello,….I have a new friend . B: A boy or girl ? A: A girl . She’s tall and thin . She has black dress.She has a clock. A: Is she Duoduo? B: Yes. You’re right . Friend ,friend,Wu Yifan is my friend . Tall and thin , tall and thin ,he’s tall and thin . Glasses,glasses,he has glasses . Shoes,shoes,his shoes are blue . Good boy,good boy, he’s a good boy . Let’s chant !选择填空。 Mike: Hello, John. I have a new friend . John : Mike: A boy. He’s tall and thin . John : Mike: No. He has glasses and his shoes are blue . John : Mike: A. Who is he ? Zhang Peng ? B. Is he Wu Yifan? C. A boy or girl ? D. Yes. You’re right . CBADGood to know : A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。提示: cap—帽子 T-shirt—T恤衫 shorts—短裤(复数) Amy外出游玩时走失。下面是Amy的照片,请学生小组合作帮助草拟一份寻人启示,要尽可能细致地描述Amy的外貌及衣着。 寻人启示Let’s make a short dialoge. A: A boy.He’s short and thin. A: No,he ha ... ...

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