

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:42次 大小:3974471Byte 来源:二一课件通
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参考答案 1-20、听力答案略 21-30、CBCBA CBABC 31-40、ACBAC BBAAA 41-43、BAC 44-45、AB 46-50、CAABC 51-55、BCCBC 56-60、BABCA 61、当我疲惫又饥饿时,她给我食物,也给我温暖的可以入睡的臂弯 62、She gave me a hug and lifted me up 63、我应该被允许吃一些,现在就给我 64、Please be back by ten 65、我不悔不该顶嘴,不该不听妈妈的忠告 66-70、略 书面表达 Help?with?Some?Housework It?is?reported?that?children?who?love?doing?chores?have?a?better?future?and?are?easy?to feel?happy.?As?for?me,?I often help them do housework. I take?out the rubbish away and??sweep the floor in the morning. I help my mother cook the lunch.I always wash clothes and do?the?dishes for my family. My parents are very happy. Besides, Watering the flowers is also my duty. I like them very much and take good care of them. After supper, I always wash dishes. I think it can develop?our?independence and?take?good care?of?ourselves.?In a word, the more housework I do, the happier my parents will be.

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