
高中英语牛津译林版模块4 Unit 1 Advertising Grammar and usage(1)-- Direct speech and reported speech 课件(24张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:26次 大小:1096145Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件24张PPT。Grammar and usage Direct speech & reported speech 直接引语和间接引语dvertisingAM 4 U 1Lead-inT: What did you eat this morning? Tom: “I ate …” T: What did Tom say, Jack? Jack: He said he ate …direct speechreported speechWe use direct speech to report what exactly has been said. If we write the speech down, the words will usually appear in quotation marks(引号). We can also use reported speech to report what has been said without using the exact words.1. Which one is direct speech and which one is reported speech? He said, “I will go to school tomorrow.” She told us something secret. 2. Change the direct speech into reported speech. She said, “This film is quite interesting.” “Finish the project tomorrow.” he said to me. (direct speech)(reported speech)She said that that film was quite interesting.He asked me to finish the project the next day.Change what has been said to an object clause (宾语从句) or an infinitive phrase.(不定式短语)What should we pay attention to? personal pronouns(人称代词) and tenses(时态) e.g. Miss Yang said, “I will buy a new dress.” Miss Yang said that she would buy a new dress. Ex. Simon said, “I wrote a letter.” How to change the tense? Have a look. Simon said that he had written a letter.Simple pastPast perfectFuture in the pastPast continuousPast perfectPast perfectPast perfect continuousPast continuousPractice 1: Change the following sentences into reported speech. 1. “I haven’t brought my dictionary,” the student said. 2. Tom said to them, “I will get excited.” 3. My father said to me, “I am reading the book.” The student said that he hadn’t brought his dictionary.Tom told them that he would get excited.My father told me that he was reading the book.What should we pay attention to?1. personal pronouns and tense 2. adverbials of time and place(时间状语、地点状语) e.g. He said, “I lost a key here yesterday.” He said that he had lost a key there the day before/ the previous day. Ex. “I read the book here a week ago.” Jane said to him. Jane told him that she had read the book there a week before. learn more about itthenthat day/ yesterday/ on Wednesday…the next day/ the following day…the day before/ the previous daythe next month / the following monththe year before/ the previous yeara week before/ a week earliertherePractice 2: Change the following sentences into reported speech. “I will come and see you again this evening, Tom.” he said. 2. “I will come here again today,” she said. 3. The doctor said to the patient, “You will have to wait till 3 p.m. tomorrow.” He told Tom that he would go and see him again that evening. She said that she’d go there again that day. The doctor told the patient that he would have to wait till 3 p.m. the next day. What should we pay attention to?1. personal pronouns and tense 2. adverbials of time and place 3. other cases(其他情况)thatthosegoNotice直接引语中的谓语动词为一般过去时,如与一个表示过去的时间 in 1992 连用,在变为间接引语时可以不变 ... ...

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